seeds-germination Moldy seeds

I recently got sent some moldy seeds that had not been protected from moisure. I was wandering if that mattered and if it could still germinate?
Depends on if the mold got through the outer seed coat or is just on the outside - never hurts to try germinating ( I'd first soak for a bit in some peroxide solution to kill any remaining live mold - so that the mold doesn't start to grow while germinating and effect the seedling).
My first seed saving attempt turned moldy. Luckily it was only 2 weeks old when I caught it. I did the hydrogen peroxide bath, rinced in water and re-dryed them.

I've tried to germinate a few and they were 90% viable! So I lucked out.
Some of the seeds I saved got some mold on them.  If I do a hydrogen peroxide bath, how long should I do that for?  An hour?  Overnight?   TIA!