mole or mice

This might sound like a dumb question has anyone ever had either a mouse or  mole disturb the dirt in your inside potted pepper plants?I ask this because each morning i get up dirt has been removed from pots and is all over the counter.plants are not damaged just dirt kicked up.I am not finding any droppings and it seams to be only three plants.I've also set traps around with no results in catching anything.
firchf1 said:
This might sound like a dumb question has anyone ever had either a mouse or  mole disturb the dirt in your inside potted pepper plants?I ask this because each morning i get up dirt has been removed from pots and is all over the counter.plants are not damaged just dirt kicked up.I am not finding any droppings and it seams to be only three plants.I've also set traps around with no results in catching anything.
either may if they think there going to find something to eat, i have both in my garden full time and have holes all over, its a hunting ground for every cat ferrel or not in my neighborhood
my friends cat always brings the mice and moles home and put them on his porch
yeah either might do it but my money with be more on the moles at this point the worms go deep when it gets this cold and i see your from PA so yeah moles would be my guess it could be a final hurrah but for the moles the hard times have begun
however Moles are not good climmers like mice are and it could very well be a mouse is using your pot for a (LARDER) or food storage area, the soil was prolly soft enough for digging too
its really hard to say wich without tearing the pot apart and it you do and find food in a cavity them it was mice
thanks your friend Joe
ya,i'm at a loss!! u have my plants inside on a counter in our kitchen so they get the sun which is what is so upsetting to see this happening.My wife said mybe we have a
I found my pest.It's my sons pet cat,lol she was not getting into it to do her business she was just rubbing up on the pots and sticking one foot in and rubbing threw the dirt?crazy cat.I thougbt maybe some cat nip got into those three pots and that drew her to them.   