WHAT a MUNGREL sausage!!! Truned my face inside out ! I bet my arse too ! We will see tomorrow !
I have got together with last years winner of chilli sauage comp at easter show !
Gave him couple of KG of fresh BHUT - this is what he came back with !
OW MY F#@in @#* it was hot ! MELT YOUR FACE HOT ! Probably the BEST snag` I ever had ! Cant wait to smoke them !




Yes that is BHUT seed and chunks ! Those seed stuck in the teeth were a hot suprise an hr later! Now he thinks we should take them national !
He didnt enter eater show this year as he only got my chillis 2 weeks ago and felt that the entry should have been with BHUT so he pulled his card, wait till next year he said !
Thanx Jimmy, Im only just over them 2hrs later, only I will have to deal with them again in the morning ;) It would even be pretty bad for any unwitting person!

If anybody in NSW want to get there hands on them PM me !
Wow they look very scary......I can see why they would have melted your face off....Just looking at the pics is making my arse run for cover..:lol:

Looks like a good job mate...
That looks awesome! CAUTION: If I hadn't read the the whole thread and if I was drunk, i might've thought those were the "after" pics.

Cheers, TB.
Those look freaking brutal! My condolences to your innards Chilliman. How does a fella go about eating one of these monsters? Bun, onion, peppers, cheese, got my own belly growling now.
LOL- OW WHAT A MORNING, ;) not been pretty !
I ate them for lunch straight up ! As in, nothing else just a bit of ketchup & a fork ! And it certainly felt that way this morning.
Nova if you want the originals , I can organise for you MEAT express. Glossodia Butcher - He has a bucket load of my BHUTS so he will stock them for a good couple of weeks.

IDK what's scarier..the sasauges or the fact i've hung around all ya aussies long enough now I knew what the post was about.... ;)

Looks EBiL!!
LOL - it dose rub off you know ! Come over it will take you a week, you would be eatten fart`in and drinking like an AUSSIE !
Especially considering the crowd you know ! ;) OZ chilliheads like a drink and a good BBQ!

Round 4 the toilet WINs !!!:oops: Probably should of gone easy on the hot sauce on my pizza for dinner ! :(