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fermenting Mono variety or blended ferment

Hi Guys, just wondering prior to first go at fermented sauce, do  you use mono varietal or blended? Which is best? (all chillies I have grown are superhots) 
All answers greatly appreciated.
Softlad said:
Hi Guys, just wondering prior to first go at fermented sauce, do  you use mono varietal or blended? Which is best? (all chillies I have grown are superhots) 
All answers greatly appreciated.
Hi Softlad!  Mono or blend is usually personal preference and there is no one 'best' way to do it.  If you have all supers you might want to cut them with some sweet bells for added sugars and bulk else the resulting ferment is going to be pure fire.
Two years ago I did a ferment with padrons, ripe jalas and scorpion peppers that was pretty good, though in hindsight I wish I would have added some carrot and garlic to round out the flavor profile.  
Please do check in on the stickied threads about fermenting and hot sauce making if you have not already - there is a wealth of info there.  Also don't forget to follow up here in this thread with pics about your first ferment - we love stuff like that around here.  :)
Really depends on what you want to make! If you want a sauce that is explicitly for spicing something up to high heaven, make an all-hot sauce that you can add to something else. To use it by itself though, that might require some more finesse and some added flavors to cut the extreme heat.
I made a ghost chili ferment that was exclusively ghost peppers and garlic, and it was delicious! I would never use it by itself though - far too spicy.
I've done both, it really depends on what you want your end product to be.
I did a 1 gallon batch of mixed superhots that was just the peppers in brine. After 3 months it smelled amazing but was way too hot to eat alone so I use it to add to other dishes like stews, curries, chili, eggs, etc. That way I can get the heat I want in my bowl without the whole house suffering.
Also like to do smaller batches of Chocolate habs w/carrots and garlic or Fatalii with mango
Really hard to go wrong. Sometimes you think you're looking for a certain flavor profile and end up with something completely different but still very tasty.
Hi Guys, Thanks for all input. I appreciate what you are all saying re the blended or mono, is personal preference depending upon what you want to achieve. (At this moment this is my first go at fermenting so all I want to do is make some hot sauce!)
I haven't got as far as refining what taste I want to achieve...yet.
(I have been growing for a few years now and have refined what we will grow going forward, which is predominantly Bhut's (For freezing / drying and cooking, especially Indian curry's as the taste and heat are perfect), Cayennes (for freezing / cooking)  then for Caribbean style sauces, jerk and drying, a few Jonah's, Reapers and a Bubblegum as I believe that the fruity taste of these is given more to the Caribbean sauces).
I did some mixed variety pickled chillies last year that came out great.
I may try a blended and a mono sauce with maybe some garlic (in my opinion essential!) some carrot and onion. (We would tend to use this type of fermented sauce like you would a Tabasco or Encona sauce, for putting on certain types of food, not adding to recipes for that we would use fresh, frozen or dried chillies depending upon what we wanted to achieve)
I have just purchased three Kilner jars with Sterilocks so will try out with these at first, I am going to research the "stikie posts" on fermenting on this. (Going to initially try a wild ferment first)
Will post updates.
Once again thanks for all input. 