Monsanto's Lawsuit by the People.

although i have my dislike about that company, i blame people.
too many dumb people use chemicals without protecting themselves. any chemical can be deadly and really bad for health if proper protective gear (masks, glasses, gloves, etc) isn't used..
stevie said:
although i have my dislike about that company, i blame people.
too many dumb people use chemicals without protecting themselves. any chemical can be deadly and really bad for health if proper protective gear (masks, glasses, gloves, etc) isn't used..
Some truth here. Yes, there are a whole bunch of under educated people in the world.  I would say that the lack of education is NOT the fault of the people though.  Not everyone is born with the ability to learn chemistry. Even those that are born with the brain for understanding, there are many, many obstacles that get in the way of that learning. That is (unfortunately) part of the human experience.
A corporation is not human. It is a money making machine. The corporation doesn't always care about how it's products affect the world.  The prime directive of the corporation is to make a profit.
Large companies or corporations have the money and resources to develop technologies that are absolutely beneficial to humanity. That is a good thing... but with that comes a responsibility.  Some companies or corporations are cautious with their products while others are not. Some companies or corporation know fully and completely that the products that they make are dangerous, toxic, and otherwise very bad for the environment.... but they do nothing to educate or mitigate the damage their products cause. The "warning" labels on products are not there because these companies or corporations were concerned about the effects of their products. They are put there because of legislation.
I have used Roundup in the past. I chose not to use it anymore.  That is my personal view.  I would advise others not to use it, but it is not my place to say they cannot.
Happy Growing,
I want to start by saying I try to not use anything detrimental to humans or the environment and our family is aware of household cleaners and their toxicity/safe use.> Household Chemical Products and Their Health Risk
The problem I have with the article is in it's presentation, the evil empire behind 10 foot high impenetrable steel fence and the lowly human having to wear a hazmat suit anywhere near the toxin manufacture (My interpretation - May not agree with yours.).  Biased reporting with leaving out the facts does not present a full perspective of the issue so someone can form a reasonable opinion.
Quoting above article, "The court dedicated the entire week listening to scientific evaluation of glyphosate, the principal component of Roundup. Epidemiologists, toxicologists, and biomedical statistical analysts testified before the court, brought forth their procedure, and provided evidence of glyphosate’s harm to humans. Judge Vince Chhabria presided over the case and must now decide whether the lawsuits against Monsanto can move forward.".... Sounds ominous, no? but reading this article about  those same proceedings, What’s Going on With the Roundup-Causes-Cancer Monsanto Lawsuit?, reports, "Dubbed “science week,” this stretch of the trial will allow Judge Chhabria to decide which experts, and which data, will be allowed to be presented at trial. It’s a massively important part of the lawsuit; Chhabria has the ability to effectively cripple the arguments of both sides by throwing out key expert witnesses." ...and continuing.."Bloomberg reports that Chhabria—who was appointed by President Obama and clerked for Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer—seems unconvinced by both sides, calling the evidence “shaky.” Bloomberg quotes Chhabria as describing epidemiology as “loosey-goosey” and a “highly subjective field."
Huuummm? My reading of this is the judge thinks both sides are full of hot air. Again, you may see it a different way, but at least you've read another perspective of the same court proceedings that in one  article reports, "Judge Vince Chhabria presided over the case and must now decide whether the lawsuits against Monsanto can move forward."  and the other, "Chhabria has the ability to effectively cripple the arguments of both sides by throwing out key expert witnesses.".
Needless to say, YMMV... NECM