More light but cold, or less light but warmer?

Hey all,
The weather at the moment, where I live, goes up to 20-25 deg C during daytime and down to a little over 10 at night. Is this weather still good enough to keep producing pods for superhots? In about a week I think the night-time temps will drop below 10 - won't it be too cold then?
I have a Butch T plant that hasn't produced any pods during the summer (I did plant it a little late, though - mid april) and now is starting to put out small pods. Is it better to leave it outside where it gets more light but gets colder, especially at night, or move it in, placing it next to a south-west facing window? I could keep moving it in and out for days/night, but that seems overly complicated.
I need about a month for the peppers to ripen. Do they get stunted at below 10 deg C?
Yes the cold weather will stunt them.  Bloom production will slow down and growth of existing pods will as well.
Lack of sun will also do that.  If the plants weren't doing well at the peak of the season, I don't hold out much hope for them now that their environment is changing for the worse.  Personally I would wait a week or two then move them inside for the winter since you don't want to keep moving them back and forth, just to keep them alive to finish up what pods they have already started.