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More Mystery Peppers

.:flamethrower:Reimers has done it to me again I've found a few more mystery peppers I need help identifying. Sorry no flower pics.

Little runt finally producing, but what?

This one I think was supposed to be a Malagueta but not.

The second one looks like some form of short cayenne (maybe Cayenne Thick?). The top one looks a little like a Red Savina.
Hi Derek

It seems to me that there is not a great deal of point in trying to ID the Reimers mystery peppers as they are most likely to be the result of inadvertant crossing and are therefore hybrids...They look fun nonetheless, but unless you save seeds and grow those out and they end up being true to the parent (mystery) type you cant be sure what they are.

With Reimers reputaton being what it is I would put them down as being the product of bad seed growing practices rather than seeds being mixed up during handling.

let us know what they taste like...they sure look tasty.

All the best

I really don't know if they are hybrids or just mixed up seeds but I've learned my lesson about dealing with Reimers. I know I'm not the only one to get mystery seeds from them and many turn out to be other non hybrid varieties, but who knows with those clowns.

Reimers are not alone by any means!!! I got some Luciferino seeds from Redwood City Seeds last year and from 18 plants I had 6 different phenotypes...all were nice though..just not stable by any means.

In my experience traded seeds whether isolated or not tend to give more consistent results than those I have paid for..... one of the reasons why I no longer buy seeds. Although the real prize for consistent seeds for me goes to CGN...not had a single wrong un so far from them and really excellent germination rates.

All the best

I had an interesting cross polination occur last summer. Ufortunately, I didn't take any pictures

My pequin crossed with my hot bannana...result was a red bannana pepper that packed a nice little kick! I shoulda kept some seeds...
I won't even try to identify these more accurately than the species level. They both are Capsicum chinenses and that's as far as I will go.

You can maybe give them a nickname or something like that? ;)
