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More Progress and a new Start..

Well here is my current progress as of date.But I had to "off"
3 of my plants my Bolivian Rainbow Aji Dulce #2 and Burning Bush, They really didnt look healthy lots of curl yellowing some of the Rainbows leaves looked all chewed up (no bugs i checked with a magnifier) so I decided to start new ones. :(
Every thing else looks good except the Bishops Crown in the top left its leggy with not many leaves so I am not sure thats normal or not. But my Naga and Bhut look good and Fatalii so I am happy. I am not too upset about losing the 3 because this way
starting them again extend my harvest :lol:
back row Bishops Naga Mor Big Jala
middle Tabasco Numex Big Jim
Front Serrano Fatalii Carb red Hab Jamaic red Scotch Bhut Jolo
If you grow them in cups from Vegas it's not surprising that it became a hit or miss thing, man! :)

Seriously, don't be too worried about the BC if it looks healthy aside from appearing leggy. It'll be fine. Each variety (annuum, chinense....) has a different growth. Not all are compact or bushy or....

On second look: It doesn't look healthy!!! I have a few that look a bit like yours, although they are not dropping leaves, I'd definitely look into that! Did you over fertilize it maybe? Did you try to wash out the nutes? If that doesn't improve it overnite, I'd take a closer look at the root ball.
Thanks for the info yeah maybe i did over fed it. all the other plants are from my 2nd seedlings when I knew more (thanks to folks like you on this forum) the 3 i "offed" were from my 1st seeding as well so a thank you to you and all on this site for pointing out my 1st time mistakes :)