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sun morning sun or afternoon sun ?

Hello my chili head brothers / sisters . i'm curious , if you had to choose between the the 2 morning vs. afternoon sun what would be your preference ? and why ?     :onfire:
I switch here.
Hardening off they start with afternoon early in the season just for the sake of the temperatures being warm enough for them to even be out and somewhat happy then once temps warm up enough I switch too morning and late evening so not to scorch them.  Once planted out one side of the bed is in the sun sun-up to sun-down and the other half are in sun 10am to sunset so I am usually fairly aggressive during their transition time for that reason. 
Helvete said:
Morning sun definitely, southern sun can be brutal around 2-3pm
between the two I would go with morning, I have shade cloth (Thanks FLBorn & Sicman) that keeps the plants VERY happy getting full sun all day but decreased the intensity.
Depends on night time temperatures.  If cool, I'd go for morning sun, so as to warm and 'wake up' the roots earlier. 
I prefer afternoon sun.... I work during the morning sun hours, don't like the possibility of the sun frying them when I'm not there to monitor them.... But that is only an issue early on in the season....
I don't have much choice with the abundance of trees we have. My stuff gets full sun from about 9AM to 2-3PM. I'm hoping it's going to be enough. Probably won't be enough to reach full potential, but it will do. Our late afternoon sun can get pretty intense once temps get above 90.
i have plants in both areas... around here the afternoon sun is too intense but the peppers love the afternoon sun under a shade cloth. 
the morning side crop is under cloth now as well, it will be hot as hell here shortly so anything not under a cloth would die, even morning sun
It's really an unfair question without qualifying zones. 
I'm in Calgary, Canada (zone 3b to 4a) so afternoon sun certainly! (June through August only mind you)
Someone in Southern California will have a much different opinion.
I like the morning early afternoon and late after noon I have to move em to a spot that gets mid day shade here in Fresno sun is starting to get brutal and I can let them have 10 hours straight like how I had it but after moving em to the shade spot I don't have as many buds falling off
I like the morning early afternoon and late after noon I have to move em to a spot that gets mid day shade here in Fresno sun is starting to get brutal and I can let them have 10 hours straight like how I had it but after moving em to the shade spot I don't have as many buds falling off
I think the morning sun growth stem thing is because it grows little bit each day cools and slumps then when it gets warm it hardens bad out making what it grew day befor solid kinda like its stretching idk I am obsessed with these damm plants
In climates where the summer highs are below 90F, afternoon sun is better so they reach an optimal temperature. In climates where normalized temp is above 90F, morning sun and evening shade is better so they don't exceed the optimal temperature during the hotter period of the day which tends to be 4-5PM if clouds remain constant.
Mine gets sun from 11-6ish. I prefer the more intense sun up north.The downside is they are covered with heavy dew all morning until the sun hits.I feel like its a open invitation for disease being wet for so many hours.