color Moruga Brown PL

Have some Moruga Brown PL growing.  Two plants have pods on them that have turned kind of a satin red and aren't the right shape. Early pods are often off in shape, but wondering about the color.  If you have grown these, do you remember if they transition threw red into brown?

Nothing but a thing if they are wrong.  Most of what I get from her is spot on, so likely I just mixed up tags at some point.
I grew three of these last year. They came as a freebie from Judy. One plant seemed true. Green to brown. One plant had red peppers, not true to shape. The other one never really produced anything. I took seeds from the brown one, and am growing one of them this year. Seems like it might be brown. I'll let you know... 
I have grown this pepper the past 3 years and is one of my favorite brown peppers. As already stated, green to brown is the expected color transition during ripening. I have not had any red peppers from this strain, although have had variations in shape from the typical TSM shape to a shape more resembling the 7 Pot Brown. Since these are the 2 parents that made up this cross, this is probably not too unexpected. I have been isolating plants and saving seed from only the plants and pods that have the TSM shape.
cloudhand said:
 I have been isolating plants and saving seed from only the plants and pods that have the TSM shape.
If you have some seeds to trade, I would love a second chance at growing this one. 
jakester said:
I grew three of these last year. They came as a freebie from Judy. One plant seemed true. Green to brown. One plant had red peppers, not true to shape. The other one never really produced anything. I took seeds from the brown one, and am growing one of them this year. Seems like it might be brown. I'll let you know... 
Mine were from same source, not true to shape and an odd red, about satin almost.  With much respect to Pepper Lover, there is the thing about new dna.  Unless a person wants to wait nearly ten years for something to be made stable, you gotta expect surprises.  Some folk go on and on and on about something not turning out true.  I can see it if we are talking all the seeds in a pack of an established pepper, but you have to expect some weird out of a pepper that hasn't been refined for years.  Its part of the game and in my mind part of the fun.

Have a customer turned friend who got chocolate ghost seed from me this past year.  One of the plants produced small raisin tasting pods.  Still hot, but not a super hot.  Have asked her to please, please, please share some of the seeds with me cause I really do like surprises.
Yeah, I'm certainly not complaining. The red ones were hotter than the hinges of Hades. It is fun to be surprised, too, and should be expected with a new and early strain. I buy stuff from her every year...
jakester said:
Yeah, I'm certainly not complaining. The red ones were hotter than the hinges of Hades. It is fun to be surprised, too, and should be expected with a new and early strain. I buy stuff from her every year...
Curious, did they have a satin texture / appearance instead of the more common shiny finish?  I ask because I am wondering if maybe we both experienced a throw back, dna that is still hidden even after being grown out.
This is my first year growing it, but my seeds were sourced from the same person. I pulled my seeds out of a pod when Judy was selling fresh pods a couple years ago. My pods are still young, but they appear to be true to form.


This is the pod I harvested the seeds from. This one did not have a satin texture...shiny and really bumpy.
