Mosaic virus what to do with the dirt?

Ok update and for anyone else who might want to know. 
For Mosaic virus you do not have to get rid of your dirt. I also did not have mosaic virus. Also, white plastic that is sealed over beds will bring your dirt up to about 185 degrees. 
Koreansoul said:
Streamer said:
Ok update and for anyone else who might want to know. 
For Mosaic virus you do not have to get rid of your dirt. I also did not have mosaic virus. Also, white plastic that is sealed over beds will bring your dirt up to about 185 degrees. 
White plastic?    Hmmmm..    I always thought black would be hotter
Geeeeeeshhhh....I sure screwed up that quote thing....LOL
     Clear plastic is actually the best for soil solarization. It allows visible light and UV to pass through, but not IR. After the sunlight passes through the plastic and warms the dirt, all that energy is converted into IR radiation that can't pass back up through the plastic. It's like greenhouse effect.
     Black plastic doesn't allow any light energy through, it just absorbs it - heating itself up as well as the air above it. White plastic reflects most of the light that hits it, so I think that would be the least effective.
Go through the soil and pick out all the leftover plant particles that you can...then turn it over real good and cover it with Clear plastic for about 2-3 weeks let the direct sunlight bake it for you. When you are ready to plant again work some rock dust into the soil a few weeks beforehand to rejuvenate the soil.
I had an epiphany today, I'm likely at high risk for carrying Tobacco Mosaic Virus on my clothes because of my job...a good portion of the machinery I build is used for tobacco processing--shakers, bale presses, stem presses, shredders, etc....TMV has basically no chance of making it through the curing and chemical treatment process but we don't build those machines other than the occasional vacuum chamber.
Every once in a while we refurbish old machinery for a customer and it's loaded with uncured particles and pieces of tobacco.  I'm really lucky I haven't gotten it in the last couple of seasons but I'm realizing I need to be more careful about going out in my pepper field without changing clothes etc.
ikeepfish said:
I had an epiphany today, I'm likely at high risk for carrying Tobacco Mosaic Virus on my clothes because of my job...a good portion of the machinery I build is used for tobacco processing--shakers, bale presses, stem presses, shredders, etc....TMV has basically no chance of making it through the curing and chemical treatment process but we don't build those machines other than the occasional vacuum chamber.
Every once in a while we refurbish old machinery for a customer and it's loaded with uncured particles and pieces of tobacco.  I'm really lucky I haven't gotten it in the last couple of seasons but I'm realizing I need to be more careful about going out in my pepper field without changing clothes etc.
Woah, ikeepfish. Think you can talk your boss into installing one of those ante rooms like they have for isolated ICUs in hospitals or for semiconductor fabricating facilities?
Wow keep. I would never have thought about that either if it was my job! Glad you haven't had an issues. 
In Florida it's a good time to solarize your garden. As Dawg sad just get rid of the plant particles. 
ikeepfish said:
I had an epiphany today, I'm likely at high risk for carrying Tobacco Mosaic Virus on my clothes because of my job...a good portion of the machinery I build is used for tobacco processing--shakers, bale presses, stem presses, shredders, etc....TMV has basically no chance of making it through the curing and chemical treatment process but we don't build those machines other than the occasional vacuum chamber.
Every once in a while we refurbish old machinery for a customer and it's loaded with uncured particles and pieces of tobacco.  I'm really lucky I haven't gotten it in the last couple of seasons but I'm realizing I need to be more careful about going out in my pepper field without changing clothes etc.
Milk showers? XD
The thing with hydrogen peroxide it will change the PH if you use to much. There are a lot of plants that don't get TMV, etc. and that you can plant in the soil with out worrying about that the Virus if it's in the soul in the first place.
  They say never use the same soil the next year for Tomatoes or peppers Etc, So rotating crops should be already in the plan.  I can't say I always rotate my soil but I do add most years 50% new soul/Compost to my soil and Knocking on wood no troubles yet. I also don't let any one smoke in my garden.  
If your in a place you can have a winter garden I would just wait till it's fall planting time and put something new in the raised bead.
Ps.  My peppers, I didn't get them planted on time and been very busy so haven't been on, I will try to get on more. :)    
Smoking/burning and the curing/chemical treatment process in cigarette tobacco kills the virus.  TMV is not spread with flue cured cigarette tobacco.  Commercially available cigarette products are required to be flue cured due to FDA regulations.  It's treated like a food, all processing equipment that comes into contact with the product also must be stainless steel and only food grade lubrications can be used in machinery.
ikeepfish said:
Smoking/burning and the curing/chemical treatment process in cigarette tobacco kills the virus.  TMV is not spread with flue cured cigarette tobacco.  Commercially available cigarette products are required to be flue cured due to FDA regulations.  It's treated like a food, all processing equipment that comes into contact with the product also must be stainless steel and only food grade lubrications can be used in machinery.
cigarettes are so cigars on the other hand, 100% untreated tobacco leaf! 
It can stay in your clothes and garden tools. I've only heard of managing it. Seems impossible to eradicate. The good news is that a lot of things resemble this virus.