Most Anticipated Variety

spicefreak said:
I was a little underwhelmed by my JPGSs. Same sort of heat to a red Bhut but the flavour wasn't one that carried as well through meals.
The JPGS that I grew seemed, to me, a fair bit hotter than any red Bhut I've had but, TBH, anything over a million SHU kicks my ass entirely so it gets difficult for me to compare heat on Supers. What impressed me about the JPGS pods was more about how the heat crept on me in a way that started out very stealthy, and ended up very dramatic. Kinda like any Bhut-type does, but to a greater degree than any other I've sampled...

Like, it starts out where you think it's got sub-super heat going on, maybe you tell yourself you've finally become the hard man you always wanted to be, snacking on superhots like it ain't no thing. And, slowly, gradually, the JPGS turns the screw. A few minutes later, you're telling yourself "ok, this *is* hot, but I can totally handle it..." A few minutes later, youire like "oh, shit. Never mind. I'm NOT a hardman" and a few minutes later, it's still building. I had one fresh, and I had some in omelets. Similar experience in both scenarios. Most of them ended up in sauce or smoked and/or powdered.

Interesting fact: when my JPGS plant finally started podding up, I accidentally broke of a branch with some very small pale green immature pods on it. On a whim, I ate one. It had nearly no heat at all, and I felt like it had an onionish flavor to it, tasting faintly like scallions. I thought maybe my plant wasn't really a JPGS.... But the ripe pods proved that theory wrong. Very hot.

But truth be told, I like the JPGS as much for it's growth habits as I do the pods. Mine grew bushy and vigorously, with unique wavy foliage and a buttload of pods. It only took me one season of growing to appreciate the plants as much or more than I do the pods...
I'm also really looking forward to my brown BBGs. Though, I used seed saved from an sfrb pod, so I may or may not get them.
My girlfriend and I were talking about ideas for crosses and I'm pumped for a couple ideas that may or may not exist. They sound like they'd be awesome!

Bahamian Goat x Trinidad Scorpion Sweet

Chocolate Scotch Bonnet x Chocolate Carolina Reaper PBM
I just ordered 7 Pot Congo seeds from White Hot Peppers. They looked amazing.. amazingly evil!! Can't wait to give these seeds a go!
Muckyai said:
I just ordered 7 Pot Congo seeds from White Hot Peppers. They looked amazing.. amazingly evil!! Can't wait to give these seeds a go!
Chocolate, red, or mustard? The chocolate look great!
Muckyai said:
They are chocolate. And scary looking. I don't even know what I am going to do with them but I want them!

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I like your attitude...and your choice in pods! I like chocolates! Actually, I like Caramels, Peach, & Orange. I want them ALL!
Muckyai said:
I just ordered 7 Pot Congo seeds from White Hot Peppers. They looked amazing.. amazingly evil!! Can't wait to give these seeds a go!
I'm anticipating these as well!

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But perhaps my most anticipated Variety is the SCCMBR (Solid Core Chocolate Moruga Brains Red). I got my genetics (Chocolate Moruga Brains Red) from fellow pepper grower Martin and they turned out to be the best full package Red of the Season. Great looking Moruga Shaped and completely crinkled. best part was the insane amount of tissue in the inside. Basically solid core. And full of tasty oil. I kept seeds and believe it to be a hybrid because the leaves had a strange amount of pigment in them from a very early stage. The darkest I sprouted out of all the Superhots I sprouted (about 800). I've been very excited to see what kind of fruit this will become. I only grow superhots and it was surrounded by some exceptional Chocolate and Brown types.

Here's a pic of my front garden SCCMBR

and a couple in bags on the roof.