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Most desired chilli variety

Hi to all,

my housband loves chilles and this year we have our first garden (feel like a kid). I would like to grow something very special, so what is in your oppinion the most desired variety?

Wishing you happy growing,
First of all, welcome to the boards from Fort Worth...

I am sure everyone has their favorite but mine is regular old orange habanero.
habenaro for a good hot pepper

jalapeno for less heat but you can use them in alot of recipes

basic chili pepper for drying

yellow wax for stuffing

these above peppers will fill all the heat levels and are easy to find.
there are alot of peppers out there and I suggest you try growing whatever you find but keep in mind that they need to be started early .
any other growing questions can be asked here and you will find alot of help in these pages.


some Habanero will leave you happy on the hot frontier for a while, if you love jalepenos like everyone else on this forum grow those too! but if your husband is really crazy with the chilies look into something like a fatalli or chocolate hab. there are websites that have such varieties for sale in small plant form, then you could try from seeds next season. i started out with a small habanero plant and a Thai plant, now i have 40 little girls in plastic cups, AJ Started with a few plants and now has over 500 planned to go in his back yard!!! it's crazy what it will do.

my suggestion, Habanero, Thai, Kung Pao, and something sweet like a mexican chili, something like an ancho or pasilla to get a good flavor in there. and something crazy like fatalli if you know he wants something up there.

http://www.peppermania.com for seeds and http://www.chileplants.com/ for plants are both highly revered on this forum too btw.
wish my back yard was big enough for 500...I have over 500 seedlings and will only grow about 200 in the back yard....but I did start out 7 years ago with 3 plants...
Karmi, what heat level do you prefer and what's your climate like? There are so many wonderful peppers out there, and everyone has their favorites. Were you planning on buying the plants locally or growing from seed?

I know what you mean about feeling like a kid, I get down right giddy in the spring when I first get in the garden. Oh, and welcome to the group!
Thanks everyone, that was really quick. I live in Europe - Slovenia, (zone 7), so I will purchase seed by mail order. I wanted to try as different types as possible to find what works better for us. Really, adults can feel joy like kids do :)

I'm the same as a few others, Habs are my favourite, Scotch Bonnets are good too with less heat. I'm trying to grow as many different types of hab as possible to compare them all.
one of the best things about habs is that there's a ton of different kinds of habs. they're each special in their own way. 'most desired' chile is a little subjective, i think this board is starting to sway towards the trinidad peppers. i chose most of my chiles based on the fact that i like cute things or yellow things or cute yellow things. it's good to have a variety tho.
I did a few of my varieties this year on how the plant looks, not for taste or heat. Like the Bolivian Rainbow. I'd love to cross that chilli sometime.
i'm gonna do the firecracker piquin for looks, i'm trying to convince my mother that chile can be pretty... if she waivers i'll start a bunch for her next year before i leave.
I'm growing bell peppers for my Mum, I'm just hoping I treat them the same as chillis otherwise she might not have a plant at all. I thought about growing Twilight or Prairie Fire but Bolivian Rainbow looked a lot better. The Pequin firecracker looks nice GB, what do you plan to do with the pods?
i hear they're all heat and no flavour so i'm gonna just add them to anything i have tasting the way i want but just needs more bite.
chillibeginer said:
Hi to all,

my housband loves chilles and this year we have our first garden (feel like a kid). I would like to grow something very special, so what is in your oppinion the most desired variety?

Wishing you happy growing,
Hi Karmi,
a little has to do with your growing area, indoor/outdoor
if you live in the Desert Southwest an excellent Long Green variety would be the norm, plant alot so you can harvest half in the green stage and let other half dry red on the vine for the best red chili youve ever tasted.
also jalapeno are a staple world wide.
one of my favorites are a hybrid Thai Dragon and are easy to grow and prolific {produce alot} and make excellent asian stir fry when useing sun dried pods.
and then of course if you want HOT!!!
c.chinese family of peppers
Bhut Jolokia
Habanero {NMSU.CPI has a orange and red hab with NO HEAT! and all the flavor}
and many more so hot they can be deadly.

Special; try a strain like

have fun

like pablo already mentioned it has alot to do with your location of the outside weather conditions or indoor growing - but more so for outdoors since indoors you can control the conditions & grow basically anything you want.

I'll agree with pablo on the thai chiles (I like'em all), theres several strains of thai chiles but they're easy to grow & prolific (basically fool proof) & hot but not as tasty as some habaneros but still a good tasting chile.

caribbean red habaneros have a good flavor & hot

jamaican hot chocolate is really tasty it has a little hint of a smokey flavor & HOT

congo trinidad is another good tasting chile with good heat

I heard peach habanero is supposed to be very tasty ? I plan on growing these this season to try them.

heres a link to check what kind of chile you'd like to grow, so far this is the best search engine for narrowing your choices down to what you'd like to grow, they may not have every chile listed but I think you could find a couple you'd like out of 500 choices ;):lol:

Myself I am jumping out and trying some new ones this year. I like japelenos and the caribean red are super. I have some that are a cross between a peter pepper and a hanoi red and they are sweeet and hot very tastey.
chilehunter said:
I heard peach habanero is supposed to be very tasty ? I plan on growing these this season to try them.

I love Peach Habs, they're like eating hot candy. I've heard a lot of people say Antillais Caribbean are really good and Datil. I'm growing all three of these this year.