Mountain Dew Throwback.

I'm drinking a hoppy beer in your honor! :lol:
PF I see a spammer you need to ban. Hop to it! :lol:
All the bad puns.Shame, shame. Do you think if an amputee walked in here they would find it funny? What next, offer them hop n gator?

Does the throwback really taste better than regular Mt. Dew?
tastes the same and was always orange concentrate -- close your eyes and you would swear it was orange soda - love the stuff -- especially at night when I was my taking MS courses
I'm not sure what all the fuss is about. At another forum I visit, they make a big deal out of the sodas made with real sugar. This was one of the brands mentioned and if it tastes the same as regular Mt. Dew who cares? I like Mt. Dew anyway.
Everything is throwback - -like a Memba this .. Football uniforms (what was up with the Broncos geez) Cars, sodas, people .. ok the last one I made up I just want to throw some people ..
I'll be honest, having become adjusted to the regular kind, the throwback tastes odd. More citrusy, more sweet. I don't like the sweetness of it.