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Mrbubbleheads Gardening Adventure

Well let's start with what peaked my interest into spicy things. Blair's Sudden Death found a bottle at Pete's Fruitique and decided I wanted to try and make my own sauce.

So I started with an order from seedrack.com

I started some of them in one of those plastic jiffy pot kits. And once they were producing real leaves I put them in small pots.

They spent most of their time infront of our big picture window. And within a couple months looked like this.

I would say almost all of the seeds I planted sprouted. Although we did lose a few.

Thanks to this shithead.

The plan was to put them into "2gallon?" Containers and put them outside. But our spring has been terrible and we actually had a frost less than a week ago. Luckily my girlfriend is very easy going and had no problem with me taking over the spare bedroom :)

So two days ago I finally got around to transplanting them and I would say from the look of the roots I should have done it weeks ago.

My plants only had one flower when I moved them and I mist say they have exploded since being in the new containers and room. Which is much warmer.


So that is where I stand as of tonight. I still need to get my smaller plants moved into the bigger pots.

A couple questions for the more experienced.

1. Is it normal for the flowers to turn down the way they have?

2. Since day one I have had trouble with the leaves curling under. Some days they seem fine other days they curl pretty hard. I had read that it could have been from over fertilizing so I slacked back and that seemed to help for a bit. Any other suggestions?
The soil I was using in the first pots was very muddy and held a lot of moisture. The soil I used in the larger pots has a lot or perlite and seems to drain pretty good. That's why they are in a kiddie pool.

I'm glad to hear that the down turned flowers are normal. I was a bit concerned.
The start of my first pepper.
Got 2 more Tabasco and 2 more Georgia flames moved today. Ran out of soil. The ones I moved a few days ago have exploded.

About once a month I give them a small amount (1tablespoon/gallon) of miracle grow 20-20-20. Should I be doing that more or less? Or something completely different.

Still letting them dry out a bit to help with the curled leaves.