Mulch + Cow or Sheep manure

I potted mine in compost and cow dung mixed with some of last years recycled soil it has worked just fine so far with plants growing fast. You can always vertilise later with some more worm tea, Biogrow or something like that.
Lol Alph, first to belt one out. Loved Zappa, wheres the link ?

Lol Alph, first to belt one out. Loved Zappa, wheres the link ?

Also I'm asking about a container soil mix seeing the most places all sell A mix or combo of some shite that doesn't even list nut's etc. if I need to fill 20x5gal buckets at 7.99 plus the government that's large doe.
Not concerned about worm casting / tea at this point just potting up for the last time. Bought 2 big bags of mulch only today (colored) which somewhat concerns me but can live with for the price. So sheep/moo shite good as a filler?
Most mulch is a little big for a potting mix, the big pieces don't leave a lot of room for roots to grow. You can do a 5:1:1 mix of 5 parts composted pine bark fines, 1 part sphagnum peat, and 1 part perlite, plus some lime.
Mulch in your soil, or on top?
Mushroom compost can be full of pesticides and other nasties, best to check with your source. Manures are usually good but once again, best to check your source to see if they are organically fed animals or from factory farms and full of antibiotics and growth hormones
Lol Alph, first to belt one out. Loved Zappa, wheres the link ?

Lol Alph, first to belt one out. Loved Zappa, wheres the link ?

Also I'm asking about a container soil mix seeing the most places all sell A mix or combo of some shite that doesn't even list nut's etc. if I need to fill 20x5gal buckets at 7.99 plus the government that's large doe.
Not concerned about worm casting / tea at this point just potting up for the last time. Bought 2 big bags of mulch only today (colored) which somewhat concerns me but can live with for the price. So sheep/moo shite good as a filler?

Sorry for the lack o link

Here it is :