
i have noticed while looking at a lot of the pictures of plants that most don't have a mulch around them. is there any reason why?
sirex said:
It also helps with soil splash. Don't be wantin no bacteria ( harmful )
I sometimes miss the obvious.  I was battling an Aphid infestation in the spring.  Looking online for "home remedy" type of stuff in stead of napalm.  I read a few posts saying you can just hose them off everyday, and be rid of them in a week.  Well I water everyday anyway, so why not?  It could have been multiple factors, but I did lose 2 big lovely tomato plants to some sort of blighty, fungussy, badness that made its way from the bottom leaves upward.  Reading up on potential causes of such things.....Damn it Jerry!  You outsmarted yourself once again.  Peppers seemed to be fine, so that is good.  Got some neem oil on hand these days, and decided not to spray my plants down anymore.
sirex said:
At what rate are you replacing the shredded leaves?
Bags of leaves - my garden area is ~20'x60', replacing the leaves between tomatoes in July - 6-8 bags of leaves.
                                                                        replacing the leaves between peppers in July - 4+ bags of leaves.
                                                                        replacing or mulching for the first time between rows of beets or beans - 10 bags.
In the Fall, all mulch plus another 10+ bags will be tilled in.
We'll use about 30-40 bags of leaves every season. Mostly shredded.