Multi-colored Ghost?

I noticed when I got home this morning that something was looking a little screwy with my purple ghost.  First pic is the near side of the plant with purple tinted peppers (that I've been waiting FOR-EV-ER to ripen).  Second pic is the back side of the plant that gave me a bit of a surprise.  Anyone ever heard of this happening before, and why?


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Those are the transitional colors. Some peppers don't ripen directly to their final color. Browns usually do: green to brown. But, depending on the weather and other factors, oranges sometimes turn yellow first.....reds turn yellow/orange/red, etc. You'll see a lot of that when it's cooler in the fall. They don't ripen as quickly and spend more time transitioning.

Then there are addition of a whole color (or two).

Purples will do the same thing later, but start purple or green. Either way there, they will turn purple, lighten, and then go through the transitions with purple on them.

Awesome stuff!!!

Great looking pods! Gonna be warm!!!!!
Cool, good to know!  My other purple ghost went straight from light green to lavender to rich purple.  The orange and yellow kinda threw me.  I suppose some of it is just being nervous - biggest grow so far and first outdoor grow.  Thanks for the info and compliments!
theboogeyman said:
Cool, good to know!  My other purple ghost went straight from light green to lavender to rich purple.  The orange and yellow kinda threw me.  I suppose some of it is just being nervous - biggest grow so far and first outdoor grow.  Thanks for the info and compliments!
You're welcome!

I'm going to say that the rich purple is a transition, also.......(You might know that already. Lol). Purple ghosts normally ripen to red with purple tinge (and that MIGHT be the cross that has purple placenta inside. Maybe.......I'm not sure which that was. Purple Ghost Scorpion had purple placenta.)
Here's one of my crosses the first year growing it:
Pimenta de Neyde x 7 Pot Caramel F1. The progression in which this variety ripened.

It ended on this red.

I have other fall pics of it showing yellow and orange, I believe.
It's just a bummer they don't stay that way. They all usually end up one color (some with purple). I liked this color:

theboogeyman said:
Some nice lookin' plants there, Bhuter.  Wish mine would get that big!
Thank you very much!
We're in the same state..........all I use is Dyna-Gro Foliage-Pro 9-3-6 and Dyna-Gro Pro-Tekt 0-0-3.
In the beginning, I used horse poo, oyster shells and garden lime. Loads of garden lime throughout the whole season.

The key, I believe, is the horse poo. Frank (Moruga Welder) uses it and his pods are apple-sized. Lol

Thanks again!!!!

theboogeyman said:
Okay...I'll bite.  How come?
Not so much for peppers, but it DOES affect them, also....

Juglone is a substance exuded by walnuts to stunt the root-growth of other plants. Nightshades are particularly susceptible. Your maters will be killin' it one morning, then you go out in the afternoon and they're flat to the ground. The next morning, you are rewinding the day before in your head because they all look fine now.
Later on, they'll wilt. And they'll keep doing that every day. Up and down. Minimal produce that looks crappy, if they make it at all.