Multiple varieties - How close together can I plant them?

G'day all,

New to Chilli growing. I have read that planting different species close together may cause them to cross pollinate, resulting in less flavour/heat. Is this true?

If so, how far apart should the plants be if growing them outdoors?

Also, I'm located in Brisbane Australia (about 800km/500mi south of tropics), and am starting seeds now, will I get chillis before winter?

:hell: Hey from west aus! As far as I know the cross pollenation will only effect the batch of seeds from the crossed pod. It should not effect the chilli initially so if you are not interested in growing from your own stock you should be fine. Otherwise plant the pubescene variety as these are the only variety that apparently dont cross, Roccotto etc. Chinese cross very easily hab, naga etc.... In regard to your location and gaining fruit from your chilli you should manage to get a small harvest b4 it gets to chilli, if you plant now.:onfire:

Good luck mate

ps: Also another way to avoid cross pollenation is to pollenate your chiliis your self with a fine paint brush, clean it and then pollenate your next plant. You slightly brush one flower, then the next.

Good luck with it.:mouthonfire:

ya, you only have to worry about this if you plan to seed save or sell your seeds, only the pods on the plant you grow from the seeds made from the cross are affected (and even then, its not necessarily less hot/flavourful, its just unpredictable). I've heard of wrapping some branches in cheesecloth or the like to prevent cross pollination but have never done it myself. I plan to use the paintbrush technique this year to purposefully make a few crosses.
I had hoped to save some seed, so I will be careful. I have asked some of my friends and neighbours to "baby sit" the plants when flowering, so, I'll hopefully have some to plant in the spring (depending how many get eaten!!)
I may just use this batch as a test run for the spring.

Thanks for the replies!

I planted 4 seeds of 8 different varieties:
Scotch Red
Scotch Yellow
Hab Red
Bulgarian Carrot
Chilean Green
Rocoto Red
Atomic Heart
G'day ring sting, welcome to THP

I haven't found winters here to be much of a threat, some of my asian varieties produce pods right through.
Cut he corner off a tea bag & empty it, then sleeve it over the flower bud should keep your seed pure. The number of insects in this climate you can't really rely on distance.

Good to see another local :cheers:
Were in Bris are you? I'm at Sandgate
I own the "RAINBOW" drop in some time If you can and try some sauce. I might have some seeds too.
