• Do you need help identifying a 🌶?
    Is your plant suffering from an unknown issue? 🤧
    Then ask in Identification and Diagnosis.


I had to murder all of my 80+ plants this weekend just gone. It was sad. I can still hear their screams for mercy.

For those of you who didn't read the thread, all my plants got infected with some kinda nasty virus. I never found out what it was but for my first growing season it was incredibly annoying.

For those of you wish a morbid sense of curiosity, I posted some pics on Facebook.
no it wasn't a water thing trust me. I made sure they were correctly fertlized, watered, correct temprature. pretty much everything. And it spread from one plant to the next within a matter of days.
So sorry to hear this bugged. Did you follow the advice of your friend and check the roots for the fly larva? I hope you never have to deal with anything like this again.

If you ever figure out the cause I'd be interested in knowing.

Best of luck to you man.
They weren't wilting at all, they we just rotting and rowing these wart like structures where new growth should have been. I did check for spider mites. Nada.

Yeah I check the roots too for larvae but nothing.

I have no idea and probably will never find out. And the never finding out part is much more annoying than the destruction part.

I'm off on holiday in a few weeks so will be bleaching everything and then germinating again afterwards. Wrong time I know, but perhaps I may be able to make the most of the end of the summer, and just use lights through the bloody long Finnish winter.