• Everything other than hot peppers. Questions, discussion, and grow logs. Cannabis grow pics are only allowed when posted from a legal juridstiction.


dragonsfire said:
Awesome! Looking forward to your Glog's . Be careful of the coffee grounds, they go off easy.
Yes, I heard about that. That's why I chose for the pink oyster. It's one of the more forgiving mushrooms (simply because it incubates so fast). It's more for the sake of science then for the actual harvest it self. I'd like to gain some experience with mushrooms and I thought it would be a nice training excercise. Coffee grounds and chopped hemp were my prime choices as that's what I have laying around. I want to do a cheap grow and extend it with rarer varieties when I get the hang of it.

I'm actually planning to grow the stropharia and some japanese varieties for their health claims. I miss a large part of my bowel and have been experiencing a very positive effect on my complaints from store bought stropharia. Unfortunately I'm not sure if it's therapeutic/placebo or real. Unfortunately those go for 6/100gr (6.75 usd per 3.5oz) and are not super tasty (not bad though). Thought I'd make a weekly mushroom soup with whatever I harvest, because it combines wonderfully with shiitake and oysters which I do love..
HWP(Hard Wood Pellets) can easily be gotten that are untreated and if you mix it with BRF (Brown Rice Flower) you got a super mix. Oysters are natural detoxifies and have been used in toxic waste dumps (in the US) to clean up the ground and their flsh carries no toxins. The Pink Oysters ones are not popular, Blue I think are the most popular ones.
Gonna do some agar dishes and try and do some Reishii culture again.
Good Luck :)
I have hickory, Beech, birch, oak and chestnut chips for my smoker.. Though when I tried to work with the shiitake on the oak chips they covered in a white and Orange mold that wasn't shiitake. But no worries, it should work with pink oyster. If not I'll try again.
I'm not sure if there are any experienced growers here, but do the light requiring types like the oyster and shiitake need indirect sunlight or will a single 18w TL 6500k bulb do?

This season I have some space left in my grow room (though not under grow light) but I do have a desk with a single bulb. Temp is 60-70 F (to prevent the peppers from stretching) and humidity is at 65-70%.
Haha queequeg, I'm growing stropharia rugosoannulata (winecap mushroom). One of the few (if not the only) edible stropharias. The other ones are deemed poisonous due the psilocybin content (psychedelic stuff, though those varieties are grown by other folk). I'm on a medical forum here in the netherlands and a guy, just like me, wanted to grow stropharia for the positive influence on your digestive track.

So the guy (the Netherlands remember) went online to buy a stropharia grow kit a few years back. He ended up ordering a relative expensive grow kit online. But it's for your health and stropharia is expensive as hell.. So for the sake of science he bought the kit.

He made a soup with it, that tasted like crap. He had a couple of sips to see if it would work. He didn't finish it because of the bad taste.

A while later, he started seeing color distortions. As he ate mushrooms he wasn't familiar with he urged his wife to rush him to the ER, fearing he had eaten a poisonous mushroom from contaminated mycelium. He was sober enough to take the box of the grow kit with him. In the mean while he was getting stronger and stronger hallucinations.

When they arrived in the ER they explained the situation and showed the kit, causing a good laugh. They pumped his stomach and started treatment. Made the day of that doctor and a handful of med students.

I guess a trip isn't much fun if you don't see it coming.
Oysters will do well with CFL light or indirect sunlight. The yellows you want to get more light as it will intensify the color, and make them stockier.
Got my first flush of shiitakes from saw dust and got about a pound of them. They tasted really good, but I forgot to remove the stems (or well.. I just didn't.. ). Unfortunately it was the stems that were very though, but I grilled them in some good olive oil and only put som salt and black pepper on them. Served them with a nice ribeye and some rosemary potatoes.. It was a simple but good meal.
I got three pieces of beech which I'm planning to inocculate with shiitake dowels and a shit load (about two dozen) of willow logs which I'm planning to use with Oysters.. (don't know how our kind is called - they look different from US oysters, though similar). I got some small pallets to keep them off the ground.
Now I need to figure out my master plan to keep the chickens away from my shiitake and oyster logs, as I can imagine they want to ruin my day. Not necessarily for eating, but they have the tendancy to go to extreme lengths to ruin my mood.
Unfortunately that wood is not the prime choice, though beech should work with shiitake (oak would be a lot better though) and willow will easily degrade as it's not that hard and has a large water content.. but well.. That's what I can get. Here it's all fir and pine anyway. Can't grow much on those. Poplar would work great as well, I'd love to grow some pioppino (I love those mushrooms), but unfortunately those are huge logs or split logs.. Damnit. I really envy those people that can cut wood from their own land. I unfortunately don't have that luxury. Fresh wood, especially logs are very hard to come by as most is cut, split and chopped up to fireplace sized firewood instantly.
That would be great ! from what Ive read they cant be home grown, the dried ones Ive had in the store have no taste, so still waiting till I get the chance to try them :)