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"Must Have" Pepper names on a t-shirt

Boss.. Are you forming a word cloudwith all these names in form of a pepper?

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I'd like a couple rare ones in there, people will know they are peppers because of the rest of them, and maybe some will be like ohhh never heard of that!!!??? But like cool rare ones that will stick around...
The Hot Pepper said:
I'd like a couple rare ones in there, people will know they are peppers because of the rest of them, and maybe some will be like ohhh never heard of that!!!??? But like cool rare ones that will stick around...
Aji Rosita
Cheiro Roxa
Fidalgo Roxa
Pink Tiger
Purple Naga Viper
Purple UFO
Yaki Blue
Walchit said:
And it's rare to non chiliheads, I had never seen a purple plant before I joined this site.
That reminds me something.

Boss, sorry to hijack your thread. But let me ask a quick question. Why are my ghost pepper pods turning purple from green? I got red peppers from them. Now they are again laded with peppers but now I see green and then black lines and then they turn purple. Is it because of cold?

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