Mutant Candlelight

very interesting, even the pods look like they are mutated also, I would like to get some seeds when they might become available I'm willing to part with some money if any one wants to sell some seeds, just post me

Very poor fertility - 6 seeds altogether. The seed production will probably improve after the plants have been moved to greenhouse. The air contains lots of pollen which doesn´t have to fertilize the mutant but give it some kind of kick.
I got 1 seed of  Candlelight (Mutant) last week.  I don't know whether can I plant it successful.   Can you give me some information ?
That's a crazy plant! I would love to grow one some day just for it's looks. Does anybody have seeds for sale or trade? Also, I can't help but wonder what the pods taste like...
FITN said:
That's a crazy plant! I would love to grow one some day just for it's looks. Does anybody have seeds for sale or trade? Also, I can't help but wonder what the pods taste like...
I should have seeds in a couple of months.  My plant is flowering right now.  
The pods don't really have any taste to them at all.
catchthebear said:
I should have seeds in a couple of months.  My plant is flowering right now.  
The pods don't really have any taste to them at all.
I wouldn't really be growing it for the pods anyway, I just think it's a cool looking plant. If you do happen to have spare seeds later in the year, let me know. I can pay you or send you seeds or pods in payment.
I stumbled over this website while researching this mùtåñt.......

If you scroll down to the videos it reports, "Contact me for Live Mutant Candlelight Plants. $30 Shipped Priority Mail.", and the videos are about them. 
Sorry, no other info about this seller.
I've never ordered a live plant before so forgive my ignorance but 30 bucks seems kinda steep for one live pepper plant. Nice to know it's available though.
The_NorthEast_ChileMan said:
I stumbled over this website while researching this mùtåñt.......

If you scroll down to the videos it reports, "Contact me for Live Mutant Candlelight Plants. $30 Shipped Priority Mail.", and the videos are about them. 
Sorry, no other info about this seller.
He used to be a member here but got himself banned a couple years ago. Can't remember his username ATM.
Ya, the mutant candlelight is a wild looking pepper plant. Like it has an afro.
So...... after reading all the recent posts and the astronomical price, I think I'm going to pass on buying a plant from him.
That is a really freaking cool mutation! Too bad there's not much flavor, but still, it's certainly interesting.
"What do you like to grow, peppers?"
"Oh no, I grow Elder Gods."
*cultist chanting intensifies*