chinense Mutant Plants - Peach Bhut Jolokia

My tomatoes did the same thing, if they successfully pollinated, they didnt get too far before they aborted....
I've had a flower or two on peppers in the past, they didn't make it to blooming, though.... my first season, same variety from different vendors, started at different times that year, grown in different soil mixes and different feedings. Only thing in common was the variety, water and sun....
I had about half abort, I have 2-5 pods that are Muto that are starting to ripen and then the newer pods that are all true to Peach Bhuts.... So it does appear that the variety is right, what I thought were the 'standard' pods were just a different looking muto.. It appears that the plant has calmed down now :cry: and it may not be as muto as first thought.. The newer flowers are all coming in single stamen now, they are still a different to the regular peach flowers in the way they look and initially grow.. but pods are coming in fine.
Ohh well, ill see if there are any seeds in the muto pods and grow them out see if they go muto.