Mutations ?

I have planted a bunch of scorpions this year, icluding a reaper.  The reaper as a seedling was really struggling to take off for a long time, but once it did, it done so with 3 stems...
I was just wondering if anyone else has had this happen or seen it ?  Is it a mutation or ?
The photo I posted has two stems/tips, as the third one is hidden beneath one of the big leaves...The whole plant is about 5 or 6 cm high.
     Two years ago I had an Anaheim sprout with two meristems. Twice the meristems  = twice the nodes = twice as bushy from the get-go.
     I clipped a few of the lower leaves that got crowded and left the rest. It seemed to do OK.
The low fork would be the result of the loss of very early true leaves. A plant of mine pictured below lost its first true leaf and stagnated for months before recovering: 
harry said:
My second Trinidad Scorpion plant to sprout forked immediately above the cotyledon nodes:


Forked Trinidad Scorpion

It lost its first true leaf early and remained stunted for a long time due potting mix problems. It recovered after I transplanted it to a larger pot filled with better potting mix.
I tried a few times to get a plant to fork low since without success.