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My 100th Post

OK just had to be a Jackass and post something random for my 100th post.

Well just to be Chilli focused, I'll put a request out there to ask...Does anyone have any 7 Pod Jonas they'd like to trade. Would also like any other types that arent what I already have Like:-

Douglahs - I have heaps of these - can trade seeds
Bonda Ma jaques - can trade seeds
Yellow 7 Pod - still growing

Also have heaps of Peter pepper, Orange Habanero, Diablo, Inferno seeds
100? pffft.

:dance: You got another two zero's hidin' somewhere? Hehehehehe just joking congrats on being able to diddle away your time like the rest of us :D
Wow. I'd never noticed how many posts you have. How has your significant other not stabbed your computer yet?

I havent had a computer at home for around six months, all post these days are made from the work computer or via my phone :D
Nah its virused up real good at the moment, have to get my bro in law to fix it for me as im a computer ra-tard. :)
Nah its virused up real good at the moment, have to get my bro in law to fix it for me as im a computer ra-tard. :)

if you can - download the portable version on another pc - stick it on a usb. also, download the defs if you can on the same usb stick and try it on the infected PC.

It should get rid of those stubborn Trojans. Your AV should do the rest. BTW what AV are you using?
malwarebytes, the virus stopped it from working. I even tried changing the file names but to no avail, it the virus that comes with the option of paying the bastards that put it on there to get rid of it. I havent even got any valid restore points anymore wahhhhhhhhh
malwarebytes, the virus stopped it from working. I even tried changing the file names but to no avail, it the virus that comes with the option of paying the bastards that put it on there to get rid of it. I havent even got any valid restore points anymore wahhhhhhhhh
Rogue AV Trojan - Superantispyware does get it - most of the time. Give it a go, its free and I found it realy effective. I work in IT. As for AV's the most reliable (in my opinion) are:

and believe it or not AVG, I would have said the oposite in the past, but of recent they have really picked up their game and got a good reliable product.
Rogue AV Trojan - Superantispyware does get it - most of the time. Give it a go, its free and I found it realy effective.
I'd say "some of the time"... there are a lot of variants out there that it doesn't grab :(

Best bet for those is to remove the drive and then scan it. And be prepared to start from scratch.

If I could get hold of the $%&@ that wrote those... A Bhut in the butt would just be the start of things.
I'd say "some of the time"... there are a lot of variants out there that it doesn't grab :(

Best bet for those is to remove the drive and then scan it. And be prepared to start from scratch.

If I could get hold of the $%&@ that wrote those... A Bhut in the butt would just be the start of things.
If you do remove the drive and mount it in another pc and use a windows based scanner, just remember to take ownership of the profile dir (right click, properties, security, advanced, owner) in documents and settings. Otherwise your scanner will get locked out and just skip past the juicy stuff. Alot of progs like superantispyware work better in the system logged in so as to access areas you can't get to if logged out....provided the malware hasn't totally owned you :-). I'm not trying to push SAS as the be all etc. Just one exsample. Like I said its free and portable. You could also try CLAM AV portable too - The upside of portable apps are that there already downloaded and ready to use (as you are now aware - malware infections first attack is to render your ability to download useless).

If your system is totally owned than another way is to download from one of the good AV sites (from another PC of coarse) a bootable AV image, burn it to disk and boot from it. Saves you pulling out the HDD. You can download the bootable rescue disk from Kasperksy here.

All good info, but not always successful.

Just went through all this with a PC, using 2different AV progs, two different bootable AV discs, and nothing worked.

Archive off the user files and install a new clean OS. Only option that doesn't eat up a week.
All good info, but not always successful.

Just went through all this with a PC, using 2different AV progs, two different bootable AV discs, and nothing worked.

Archive off the user files and install a new clean OS. Only option that doesn't eat up a week.

Yeah, have to agree with that, had the same experience with one at work 2 weeks ago - totally owned and had to resort to a re-image. But you do get success some of the time. Our rule of thumb, try it, if it works ...groovey, if all else fails - then waist no more time and blow it away knowing you did your best.
not that its relevant, but this is my 100th post too! oh yeah!
I do see myself sticking around here for a while though. I've been on so many forums, I think my most was 550 posts.... haha....