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My 1st years Bhut's

Cannot believe how well this plant has been doing. No complaints here at all. Just wanted to share with everyone on how they where doing. Please feel free to share yall's too!


:dance: Looking very fine indeed . All that awesome prep work has paid it's dividends. I love how rich your soil looks and is :dance:
Yeah, I have learned a few leasons this year growing in raised beds. One being that I don't have to water no where near as much as I did in pots. The beds retain water really well in the hot weather that we where having recently. Also, not to use as many nute's and pesticides as I originally did. Cutting back on all of these has really paid off. Everything has taking off like rockets!! Hell, my Cherokee Purple tomato plant has reached 6 1/2 feet tall already with fist sized tomato's on it! Even my Datil pepper is flowering and growing! WOOT WOOT!!

Here is the recovering Datil.
Hey BamaBoy,

How many months old is this plant? I have a few bhuts as well but they're not nearly that big. I planted mine outside once they had about 4 sets of leaves on May 5th.
Hey BamaBoy,

How many months old is this plant? I have a few bhuts as well but they're not nearly that big. I planted mine outside once they had about 4 sets of leaves on May 5th.
Same time frame as yours, maybe a week or two off. They have, with in a month, gone through a serious growth spurt. I just found 4 more large Bhuts on them and 8 more growing.
plants look really healthy man...good luck the rest of the season...

if you can do it, next year plant out a lot sooner than May 5th if possible....I know our weather is different but I planted most of my plants out by the end of March/first of April...and was lucky...no late frost...Bhuts are notoriously long season plants...I don't know whether or not your guys lose any production in the summer but I lose July/August in a normal year...the plants continue to grow but no pods...then in September when it cools down, I get a huge flush of pods but they don't get ripe until right before first frost....there will be a few ripen along the way, but the major harvest is at the very end of the season...

sorry to ramble...