show-off My 2011 harvest

I thought it was time for my own thread.

Today I harvested my ripe Habanero and Jalapeño pods.


Mr Habanero Face

The majority of Habanero pods are unfortunately runts.


Mr Jalapeño Face

The Jalapeño pod sizes are much more consistent.
So jealous. Nice harvest so far Harry. Hopefully mine ripen up very soon. I'm beginning to get impatient.
I need to pick something other than Basil and Tomatoes.
Beauty!I gotta grow more of my jalapenos to red this year. Schweeet!Nice 'nose' on the habs... :cool:
I have a few more Habanero pods that I picked from a different plant yesterday that are less ribbed.


Three Habaneros pods

The one runt I ate with lunch packed a surprise. Within was a second green mini-Habanero. The run of scorching hot weather here resulted in surprisingly hot chillies.

Bishop's Hat from the front and the back

The colour on the left side of the last photo is better than the right.

I harvested one of the first four Bishop's Hat pods to ripen that was shown above. The earlier pods are a nice deep red.


Ripe Bishop's Hat pod

The angle of the shot makes the bottom of the Bishop's Hat pod resemble an ear.

I like the smiley face and the Jalapeno figurine!!!

He may now be armless, legless and perhaps even headless.
Bro those pods look awesome! Very juicy well cared for pods.
What are temps like down there atm?

The weather has been cool and wet lately with maxima in the high teens or low 20s. Thursday's minimum and maximum were about 10°C and 21°C respectively. On Thursday and Friday last week it hit 30°C and 32°C respectively. The forecast for the next week or two includes maxima around the low 20s.

The weather suits Aji Omnicolour plants that are now back in full bloom and putting on more pods. The large Rocoto pod has some new pods as of last week. Even the Naga Morich plants seemingly set fruit last week.

Hopefully the weather will permit pods on some other super hot plants to ripen. Some spoilers:


Tiny pods on Trinidad Scorpion plant #1


Tiny pods on Trinidad Scorpion plant #2


Tiny pod on Seven Pot plant
Nice jalapenos. Ive never had the patience to let them ripen to red. ive had black ones but i can never wait for them to turn all the way. too much waiting.
Nice pics.

Seems like your plants are doing very well.

Naga Morich in a pizza? I LOLed.


The Naga Morich slices that were cooked on the pizza were certainly not as hot as the fresh slice.

I found a Ladybird that likes Naga Morich too:


Left: Ladybird on a Naga Morich pod; Right: Trinidad Scorpion pod ripening in winter

My Trinidad Scorpion pods don't have the shoulders I was expecting let alone stingers. I wonder if there's a way to distinguish them from the 7s if you're completely unfamiliar with both?

Nice jalapenos. Ive never had the patience to let them ripen to red. ive had black ones but i can never wait for them to turn all the way. too much waiting.

The two varieties here seemingly took a while to ripen. I kept some notes on the time other varieties took to ripen but not on the Jalapeño varieties.