my 2015 Grow

Okay, I am new here, and have never done a Grow Log.  This isn't my first time growing peppers, it's my first time trying to keep a Log of it.
so Here's an attempt at a Grow Log.
I say Attempt because I can't find most of my pictures from February through April  :mope:
So here is the few Pics I can find, and I will update when I find the others (think they might be on the Wife's phone) as well as updating more as the season progress's 

Aribibi Gusano 1st set of true leaves 3/1/2015

with the lights on

Under T8 Flouro's

Some Seedlings as of 4-27-2015
here they are getting some real Sunlight

Seedlings as of 5-8-2015
Lower far right 4 are not Peppers, they are Physalis peruviana (aka Cape Gooseberry, Inca Berry, or Ground Cherry)
Here are some updates everyone, I got a few Pics before my phone died
(let the criticism begin)

White Fatalii (PL)

Red Rocoto (CCN)

Red Bhut (local trade)

White Fatalii (does this look like water damage from all the rain)

Peru Bitdumi (PL) * I think all the rain caused this one to yellow a bit

Ecuadorian sweet (PL)

Chocolate Habanero (CCN)

Bradley's Bahamian (PL)  *I think this is actually a Frutescens can anyone confirm this ?

Congo Trinidad red (CCN)

Datil (local Trade)

Bishops Crown (CCN)

BBG-7-Pot *large (PL)

Amish Bush (PL)

Brazilian Starfish (CCN)

PdN x Bhut Jolokia (Pink Tiger)

WHITE Bhut Jolokia (CCN)  *does this look like Sunburn ?

Aji Omnicolour (CCN)

Aribibi Gusano *a little limp from heavy rain (local trade)

Brazilian Starfish (CCN)
 Well it's been rainy, then sunny, then rainy, and now it's supposed to get to down 34f (before windchill) tonight, so I brought as many as I could of my plants back inside(in the garage temporarily)

& yes, my Garage does have a Garage door inside of it! (previous owners built a pretty sweet little sectioned off  A.C./ Heated shop on the back 1/3 of the Garage)
updates, long overdue...
as of 5.20.15:


my bottom watering experiment
and as of 6.19.15;

Trinidad Perfume Plants

Aribibi Gusano plants

Amish bush

unspecified Red Rocoto

Peru Bitdumi Rocoto 

Ecuadorian sweet Rocoto

Scotch Bonnet yellow

Trinidad Congo red

Naga Morich  (not looking so good, any guesses what's wrong ?)
BartG said:
Nice pictures, the Ecuadorian sweet Rocoto's flower looks nice.
pshngo said:
lookin good!!
bucdout57 said:
Looking great brother...
Chilima said:
Updates , we need updates :P
thanks for looking @ my pics, I appreciate the compliments
here is a few more recent pics

Farmers Jalapeno

Grenada Seasoning

Peru Bitdumi rocoto

PdN xBhut

PdN x Bhut

PdN x Bhut

PdN x Bhut

Scotch Bonnet yellow

Trinidad Perfume

Trinidad Perfume

Trinidad Perfume (overwintered)

Trinidad Congo


Thai (from farmers market)

Group shot

Group shot
thanks for the bump guys, & gals

Aji Dulce #1

Aji Omnicolor

Amish Bush

Aribibi Gusano

Aribibi Gusano

Bhut Jolokia

Bubblegum7 *large



Ecuadorian sweet Rocoto

Farmers Jalapeno

Farmers Jalapeno

Farmers Jalapeno

Trinidad Perfume

My bottom watering experiment

Bottom watering Tomato experiment

& a pick of todays harvest for good measure (pie Cherries & Currants)
Thanks for looking :)