My Aji Charapitas are done already

Very disappointed.  The plant looks very healthy, but there are no more fruit or flowers.
I only got about 6 peppers (they're tiny, if you don't already know.  About the size of a pea).
I don't know if it will get a second wind or if it's just done.
All of my hot peppers are growing in containers.  I side-dressed a few weeks ago.
Peppers grow year round in the right weather. Sometimes they take a break from flowering when it's too hot or too humid for an extended period of time. If the plants are healthy they will produce again.

Pics would help by the way. Is this a 10 inch plant or a 4 foot plant?
You're not one of those people who think they'll get rich growing these, are you? Cuz if you are, I hate to be the one to break it to you....
If you've cycled nutrients, this could very well be one of the reasons why it has (temporarily) shut down.  Don't listen to anyone who tells you to back off of nitrogen supplementation during flowering.  Keep a steady (but reasonable) supply of both calcium and nitrogen, during the entire growth cycle.
But I also agree with austin87 to keep that plant around.  Overwinter it, if possible.
