My Ajis

These are my Aji Amarillos:


The smallest is 3 feet tall and the largest about 4.5 feet now. They both keep blooming and blooming. I am hoping the weather will hold through September, as the first pods came four weeks ago. The smallest has had a rough life. A cat got into it back in June, and it uprooted it. I was able to save it but, it's still got some minor problems:

I believe it is dampening off a bit. The soil was Pro-mix BRK and is working great for the other one, however, I believe this plant lost some of its perlite as I kept the remaining soil it had in its container and just replaced the half the cat got to. It still has lovely pods and is growing up and shooting out more flowering sites. 
The other one is just a beast, and hasn't had any issues at all other than the wind just knocked it over this morning and it lost three fruits. Other than that, it is doing well. I am looking forward to next year, as I will be using a Fafard 52 mix with some amendments or Jobe's fert spikes. I haven't decided yet. This current grow used Jobe's slow release organic and Kelp/fish Fert. So, maybe go with what was working this year? 
Anywho, let me know what you think. Any and all advice is appreciated. 
I hope you get ripe fruit by the end of the season. Its one of the peppers ive avoided just because im concerned about the need for a long season. The Aji Amarillo is one of the reasons i want a small greenhouse.
ShowMeDaSauce said:
I hope you get ripe fruit by the end of the season. Its one of the peppers ive avoided just because im concerned about the need for a long season. The Aji Amarillo is one of the reasons i want a small greenhouse.
I think some of the fruit will ripen. The smaller plant has had fruits for over two months now. So, I am giving until October for it to ripen. If the weather holds out, then there should not be any problems. I do agree with buying  a greenhouse. I have been pre-planning for next season and will be purchasing a small high tunnel. I intend to grow 6 Amarillos and several others in it starting in March ( plants, not seeds). 
Speaking of pre-planning, how is the fafard line of mixes? Anyone have any experience with that product line? I am wondering how well it holds nutrients. 
The Aji Amarillos are finally ripening! It took 90 days for them to ripen after reaching 4-6 inches in length and 3/4-1 in circumference. 
Here are the photos: 


There are only two, but I have 5 others on this smaller plant that are starting to ripen. I have noticed that they go very light green towards the top then a few days later, they go intense orange as shown above. At first I thought they were sun scalded. Guess I was wrong. Good thing too, as these should taste great in Lomo Saltado.