seed-plant-vendors MY Bakers experience thus far...

Just updating this because in all honesty, I am just tired of dealing with it now. 
You can see by the date of my original post that I ordered from Bakers on 12/4. The no shipping because of being on vacation week is very well documented, so I will skip that part. What has not been documented were my attempts to get in touch with Dale and the other frustrations concerning this deal.
I emailed him immediately after placing my order asking about the buy 3 get 3 free promotion he was doing. I wanted to make sure that I was actually getting 6 boxes, not just the 3. 2 guys from work went in on them, so we got a nice assortment of peppers looking to do a "pepper challenge" video. I also asked what types of peppers he usually included with the freebie boxes, were they superhots? Stuff that he doesn't have listed on his site? Random assortment of whatever he has laying around? No reply.
I sent a message here on 12/6 asking if he had gotten my message, and asked again about the buy 3 get 3 extra promo. He replied on the 7th saying that I was in fact getting 6 boxes. Great! We were all geared up to look like fools at work and see who was "manlier". Vacation was NOT mentioned.
12/12 I still had not received anything, so I checked out his site and saw that nothing was shipped. That sucked, I literally waited for my mailman EVERY DAY while I was off to make sure that I did not miss him, wasting 4 hours of my off days for absolutely no reason.
12/13 I go back to work empty handed. Co workers asked about the peppers, I told them we did not get any yet, miscommunication at the store with shipping. All is good, they will be out monday. We have watched many videos, spent lots of time researching recipes, and basically doing everything you guys do, lets add to the order and make some sauce on our week off!
12/15 additional order placed! Might as well get 3 more boxes and the 3 freebies right? The others had not shipped yet, no reason these couldn't be added right? PLUS that puts us WELL over the $75 to get some free dried peppers also! No reason to not take part in such a great deal! Order placed, email sent requesting that the order be combined, no reply
12/16 Peppers DEFINITELY shipping today! They only ship on mondays right? Nice big juicy order, everyone is rested from vacation, no reason why they would not be in the mail today! 2 days and we will all be hunched over tearing up ice cream trying to stop this burn, woot woot!
12/17 1:09 am Electronic shipping info received...WTF??? They did not go out yet?? They only ship on mondays, thats why it took an extra week to go out? Dammit, oh well, at least the order went out. Pepper city by wednesday!
12/17 3:00 am Electronic shipping info received..WTF again??? DAMMIT! My order was not consolidated! Why not? I emailed them sunday! Great, no dried peppers I bet. Oh well, its priority mail, if it ships Tuesday, should have it by thursday. Tampa is not that far. 
12/17 3:45 am..Pm sent to dale, email sent asking the same question...asked if my order did in fact get us the free dried peppers. No reply. 
12/17 7:15 PM Acceptance? ACCEPTANCE? Its JUST getting to the post office? After closing hours the NEXT day after its supposed to have been shipped...when were these boxed up? Did he get my message? He didn't read it here, surely he must have checked his email. He apologized about the delays on the forum, surely he did not mean to intentionally NOT ship me what I bought. He is a businessman, I may be small potatoes, but I know he will get get me the best possible product, right?
12/19......nothing. Why hasn't the mail shown up yet? Let me check the tracking....Dec 20th?? Damn, its delayed an extra day. Great. Now I have to go to work AGAIN and tell these guys we still do not have anything for the $100+ we spent over the last 2 weeks on some damned peppers. Sure, I got a "fix" off of facebook and it was here 2 days later and I have grown my own stock from dry seeds since ordering from Bakers, but they will be here tomorrow. We are off a week, so now I have to drive 34 miles each way to divvy up the goods with the guys who put in. Its only fair, I was the one who placed the order.
12/20....nothing. Again. I can not fully blame Dale for the post office being SWAMPED with Christmas and all, but I can blame him for NOT GETTING MY ORDER OUT ON MONDAY... AGAIN. I can blame him for delaying my order even longer during the busiest 2 shipping weeks of the year, right? Its been a minimum of 4 days now since my order has been packed up, possibly 5 if they did in fact start processing them on monday. Maybe they even pack them up on sunday to get them out on monday, who knows.  According to the tracking, they will both be here tomorrow.  One had an expected date of 12/20, the other 12/21. How "fresh" will these be now? Were my dry peppers included? Should be no problem, "I" was not late in paying for my order, and I bought another before this one was processed, why shouldn't they be consolidated since it was their fault right?
12/ expectations are minimal. I fully expect to get some "almost fresh" peppers that have been sitting in warm boxes for 6 days, no dried peppers, and surely no "my bad, won't happen again" note in my box.
Will keep anyone interested updated tomorrow. My initial reason for buying these was to goof off a bit at work and try my hand at cooking a few things while we were there. We are in Louisiana, we love spicy foods, why not take it up a notch! Well, thats just not going to happen now. No way can we wait another week till we are back on shift to try these as a group as we had intended. We wont be able to do this while we are off being that we all have families and its a super busy week. The best we can hope for now is trying to get some friends to pass by to eat an insanely hot pepper that will most likely have you in agonizing pain for 3 hours, followed by lower intestinal cramps and a horrible "second burn" that will have you laying on your stomach watching TV if you are off of work. I don't see too many volunteers lining up for that. At least at work we were getting paid, lol. 
My intent here is not to flame Bakers, its to document the experience I have had so far while coming out of pocket around $120 or so.  I may get the most beautiful box of peppers the world has ever seen tomorrow, and I do hope that thats what they are. I can say to myself, "Their customer service absolutely sucks, but man are these the freshest most beautiful pods you have ever seen in your life!" and I can go on knowing that despite an almost total lack of communication, the product stands for itself and I can order from them again if needed and I will get quality. On the other side of the coin, if these do not show up tomorrow, it will be MONDAY before they pop up. Great. No sir mr postman, there is nothing perishable in those boxes...excuse the rotting smell and flies :)
We shall see. 
 you know .. this guy could fix this shit so easy. All that it takes is honesty and a bit of foresight . With the love judy gets on here , it seems like he would just follow suit on the customer service .. he could have easily made a good go of it .. sad.
Tim Vader said:
Mail will be here in a few hours, I'm keeping an open mind. Who knows what's going to show up. Could be a bunch of right of the plant pods fresh as can be, some dried peppers and a little extra. Who knows.
I hope you get your peppers man. And like the post at the top of this page says, its definitely not stupid. Don't think about it that way. You deserve to get absolutely everything you paid for. Let us know if they come!
Pepperjack91 said:
I hope you get your peppers man. And like the post at the top of this page says, its definitely not stupid. Don't think about it that way. You deserve to get absolutely everything you paid for. Let us know if they come!
Oh, I know its my cash tied up and all, I just meant that the product was "stupid". Its just peppers. All of this over peppers that no one else seems to have an issue getting out, fresh, and on time 
I had someone send me photos of a box they just got. Wow. Thats all I am going to say till mine get here. 
Those peppers are going to be far from fresh when they get to you.. I hope they actually show up on monday

17 days since you placed your order. With the way mail is in this day and age, that should never happen.
Some folks (like me) just like to learn lessons the hard way...
Let paypal get your money back and let it go. 
Don't let Dale's bad attitude ruin your good time. 
On to the next one, OP! 
I don't  think I can file a claim yet since it has been shipped. When they arrive (whenever that is) I can say that they were not fresh or not what I ordered, but till then I am going to try and get with Dale first. I want to believe that he will do right, but if he doesn't, I can always file my claim. 
I sent him an email describing my frustrations and simply asked what we could do to resolve this. At this point, I think a refund is the only way to go.
If I had to guess, he'll probably just keep ignoring you. He sent the peppers and most importantly (to him) he has the money. Your experience and troubles, the state of your peppers, doesn't mean jack s**t to him. If it mattered he wouldn't have ignored you thus far.
Tim Vader said:
He has not been online since 12/17 at 9:00 or so, so he has been on since I sent him that message (which he did not read)
I am emailing him AGAIN, opening a paypal claim, and never doing business with this guy again. 
Tim Call him he just posted his number in another thread 10 minutes ago so he has been online: (Dave u need to call me...i told u privately id be paying u back...813-446-0101...this is not a theif Or horrible person...dave knows this...gimme a call please Dave....ASAP Dale Jr)
Dale replied immediately to my email and sent me his number. We spoke for about 15 minutes about everything. He offered a refund and even said he would replace my order if they come in funky, which he fully expects them too.
I will say that talking with him has eased a lot of the stress. He was very polite, understood my situation and it was his call to move forward the way we did. I am not holding a grudge, its not 100% his fault as I said. The shipping delay is on USPS, not him, as I mentioned previously. It is being handled properly in my opinion, when its all resolved I will take it order by order. I can not judge the quality of his product, since I have not received it, and when I do it will be a box of mush most likely, but he did stand up and take the hit and is offering to do what he can to get this right. 
Tim Vader said:
Dale replied immediately to my email and sent me his number. We spoke for about 15 minutes about everything. He offered a refund and even said he would replace my order if they come in funky, which he fully expects them too.
I will say that talking with him has eased a lot of the stress. He was very polite, understood my situation and it was his call to move forward the way we did. I am not holding a grudge, its not 100% his fault as I said. The shipping delay is on USPS, not him, as I mentioned previously. It is being handled properly in my opinion, when its all resolved I will take it order by order. I can not judge the quality of his product, since I have not received it, and when I do it will be a box of mush most likely, but he did stand up and take the hit and is offering to do what he can to get this right. 
Settled like 2 grown men that's what I like to hear as long as both parties are satisfied then this should be the end to this posting. So hopefully no more posting in this thread.
heres my experience with bakers peppers so far.  I ordered a SFRB of reapers on 12-5.  I sent a message asking dale to do me a favor and split the box between reapers and primos and figured it wouldnt be a problem since they were the same price.  like others on here I didnt know there would be any delay.  like others on here I sent several messages and never got a response.  once what was going on became known some people opted to get their money back since there was no way to get their peppers in time.  I decided to ride it out and see what happens, after all out party wasnt until the 19th and they should surely be there by then.  the second monday after I ordered I still did not get a shipping notification so even though they ship out every single monday NO EXCEPTIONS!!, mine have not shipped out 2 mondays in a row.  I finally got shipping notification on tuesday morning.  at this point its pretty obvious that I am not going to have his peppers for our company party which was thursday morning.  they did not come until friday night and while I cannot hold him responsible for the post office delay it should have not gotten to that point in the first place.  I get home from work and check the mail and Im happy to find a box from bakers in the mail.  I go inside to open it up and OMG!  I dont think I have ever seen so many peppers in a single SFRB!  there was a pack of seeds and over 70 peppers!  How the heck did he fit more than 70 peppers in there?  well its not very hard when more than half (over 40) of the peppers in your box are the size of your thumbnail or smaller!  He did mix up primos and reapers so I have to give him credit there.  there were right at 30 medium size peppers one of which wasnt ripe yet, and 3-4 were starting to get soft.  I guess that the freshness was OKAY.  I got a different box from someone else on tuesday and those are STILL fresher than what I got from bakers.  Overall, after seeing it through, I am very dissapointed with my experience with bakers peppers, and now looking back wish I took quite a few peoples advice of cancelling and getting a refund.  