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My best Naga plant (pic)


has small buds for the last 10 days so maybe soon some peppers??
It has been freezing at night so they are still in the greenhouse along with many other pepper plants that are too big for the tiny pots they are in so still waiting for warmer nights .

the top is in the sun so it looks yellow
I can't wait unil my plants get that big in the future. For now just nursing and waiting ever so patiently till I get to taste the fire!!:D
mine were started feb 8th so they are all big and flowering but next year I will only start a few kinds that early as jalapenos and a few others dont need that much of a start but some such as naga's and habs take a long time to fruit.
my scorpions are also doing well but no floweres yet.
this morning all my buds started to open and small green peppers are starting to grow:onfire:
this may be a result of me increasing the night time temps from around 8c to 18c .
day time will go up to 30c .

I am so going to eat one of these badboys on video when they are done.:mouthonfire:
I'll look forward to seeing that Shayne. I've eaten one off the plant but it wasn't half as big as BillyBoy's, it's hot but I didn't dance around the room or swig milk from the carton. It was nice (prefer the flavour of Habs, a bit fruitier) but I did wake up with a buring feeling in my esophagus in the early hours. I had a load of Scotch Bonnets on top of it which probably didn't help. Enjoy them.
Thats a good looking plant.Can only hope that mine will turn out that nice.Maybe I missed but about how old is that plant? Enjoy

That is very nice healthy plant nice dark green leafs here is image of my Naga Morich from last year.

915river said:
That is very nice healthy plant nice dark green leafs here is image of my Naga Morich from last year.



ya, I would say you did good.

maybe a little small but for me I know that my season is so short that my 5 foot tall plants never fruit.
It is realy hard to grow peppers in Norteasterner area sometime if you lucky with weather you have nice crop all depend on what area you live if climate is warm like in Texas or New Mexico or Florida you will not have problem produce any kind vegetable all year around.