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My Charleston plant is pathetic but producing

This was my first year growing these and the plant sure looks pathetic.
It has lots of peppers on it though and they are pretty hot.
All I have given it is compost tea in a foliar spray as well as a soil drench.
It is potted in Kellogg Patio Plus the same as all the other peppers so I don't think it is nutrient starved.

maybe you need some fresh organic stuff in the soil, compost tea delivers some nutrients and microbes to convert organic matter into food for the plant. if the microbes can't feed on anything, they have nothing to deliver to the plant. whenever i pot up or feel i have to repot(same pot just add soil to the bottom of the container for the plants roots to expand, i always mix ground seaweed, ground alfalfa, handful of worm casting and ground dried banana peel to the added soil................ or i could be completely way off base and that is how the plant is suppose to look like RTF mentioned.

good job on your production.
Ok my first season but leaf curl is over watering and it looks like its getting to much full sun repot into a bigger one and try a bit of a shady spot
Does it need nitrogen? Maybe over watering?

It was planted in soil with good nutrients and an abundance of Nitrogen I would think considering the ingredients in Kellogg Patio Plus.
Overwatering? I don't think so. My pots have several drain holes and I only water it when it feels a little lightweight.
Too much sun? Not likely when our average summer temps have been in the high 70's to low 80's on average.
None of the other chinense or annuums look like this.
That is really odd. Are they supposed to look like that?

I think so HotPeppas as I have heard others say theirs was a similar color.
As many peppers as it has it almost reminds me of canna when it's ready for harvest and using up all the nutrients in the plant to produce flowers. ;)
Even though the leaves don't look great, at least they are producing. I've had similar issues with my potted plants and ended up planting a few in the ground which they seemed to love. I think the problem has to do with the soil (in my case my pots were not draining well). Regardless, nice job getting some good pods on your plant!
my Charleston looks the same way too, i thought my plant was sick because it started really green but then it lost alot of color but still produces some mean little peppers!
even though it wouldent even sound right to say this, give it a shot of regularl Merical grow and see if it turns green, it suprising to see such good production on such a pale plant'