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My Chilli plants

This year I've planted my first three chilli plants. I'm new to the gardening thing, so for a starter I decided to buy plants instead of seeds. I have no idea how to grow something from seed. Anyway I went to flower power and 5 weeks ago and bought two plants, a birds eye, and a Habanero.

After about a 2 weeks I noticed that my Habanero was infact two plants. Was interesting trying to separate them, hoping not to damage them. The way I figure it, I got 2 for the price of one. :woohoo: Both of the Hab's have been slow starters. I'm thinking they were too young when they were potted, the second one was quite small when I planted it. The first Hab has been attacked by some kind of insect. I think these plants are orange hab's. Odd thing is I thought hab's were a chinese but the card says their a capsicum annuum hybrid. Would I be right in thinking that the hybrid means I can't replant the seeds from these plants?

My Birds eye, well I think it's a birds eye, is doing great. The description on the card is red hot, capsium annuum cltvr. It has quite afew small white flowers on it.

I'm going to try link up some pics, this is my first attempt at this so hopefully it works ok.

My birds eye and Habanero number 1

Hab number 1

Hab 1 again

Birds eye

Yellow Capsicum and Hab 2.


I seen some different Habanero's at Bunnings the other day, think their chocolate, they had bigger leaves then my plants. Thought about buying one but decided I don't to end up with too many chillies. But after seeing how many plants some of you have I'm starting to think there maybe no such thing. :dance:
Where's the fun in buying plants? :P

J/K... maybe not such a bad idea for a first time grower to get the feel of it and all. ;)

Just be careful with nursery raised plants though--really give them a thorough looking over for any signs of pests before bringing them home with you. If you spot anything, drop it and don't take the risk. A precautionary spray once you get the plant home is not such a bad idea either. Regardless of how thoroughly I examine plants, it seems like every time I buy one I get some aphids or mites chucked into the deal for free. If you're looking to keep things natural/safe, Neem or something like Eco Oil--both available at Bunnings--will do the trick.

Sounds like the Habanero supplier doesn't know what they're talking about... Habs *do* belong to the capsicum chinense species. :lol:

And a hybrid simply means a crossbreed of two different varieties. If the plant is even really a hybrid at all--it could just be a marketing lie--I dare say it would be a same species cross (chinense x chinense. e.g. two different varieties of Hab) and in which case the seeds should still be perfectly viable.

Good luck and look forward to seeing your progress!

(Have a good read of the growing threads too, there's piles of great information on there. ;))
Hi Jayman,

Starting from seed is a long and pain-full process for a beginner. I think its not a bad idea starting with plants from the nursery. I'm a newbie and one of the most difficult things (in my experience) has been to master watering. Larger plants are more forgiving. I have lost so many seedlings due to inexperience. But one lives and one learns.

Looks like you got some insect damage on your plants. I can vouch on Neem Oil... used as a foliar spray on a regular basis, its organic and does seem to keep the plants insect free!

Good luck!
Thanks for the replies guys. :cool:

I'm dieing to see what colour these habs are, going to laugh if their not orange, still whatever colour, it will sure beat having no habs. :dance:

Thanks for the tip for Neem oil, will most certainly buy some. I have noticed a number of (over 10) small flying insects hovering round in the pot. Also killed a snail and some slugs under the pot. I have a dog so I would prefer to use something natural.

I will keep you updated, the pics I posted are over week old. Had some really warm weather last few days and the habs seem to look like their finally growing so will upload some pics when I get home from work.
goodluck jayman, looks allot like snail attack. My plants have copped a bit from them after the rain. Put some copper tape (slugga its called, from bunnings) around the pots. Keeps the slugs/snails away because they get a zap from copper.
I got some newer pictures, hard to tell the different from the photo, The birds eye has afew more flowers and the habs are getting more leaves. I got myself some spray this afternoon, they didn't the Neems oil, I got something similar anyway. Thanks for the tip for copper tape Mitch, I will get myself some copper tape. Learn something new everyday.



birds eye
I got some newer pictures, hard to tell the different from the photo, The birds eye has afew more flowers and the habs are getting more leaves. I got myself some spray this afternoon, they didn't the Neems oil, I got something similar anyway. Thanks for the tip for copper tape Mitch, I will get myself some copper tape. Learn something new everyday.



birds eye

No worries mate. The first hab should survive if it doesn't take anymore damage. It looks like snail damage to me anyway, migh be wrong, but mine looked similar and found little snails on the underside of the leaves. They dont go past the copper tape. Think its $6.50 for 4 metres. Cheers.
I'm really enjoying these forums, there's so much to read and learn. After looking at what the members of this forum are growing I'm more motivated than ever to grow more different chillies. I've started to learn about growing from seed for next years crop, and dreaming about what I will try grow. Lucky for me it will be real easy to get seeds from the hippyseed company.

I moved my plants to a more sunny spot in the yard.

My Sweet yellow Cupsicum has its first fruit

I found of hippyseed's site there is a chilli called red hot. Exciting name it know, but it could be what this plant is.


Habs are pretty much the same, still waiting for them to grow. Hopefully once their used to the new position in the yard they will start to grow.





Beautiful picture of my finger. :rofl:

Havn't bought the copper tape yet, had afew Family issues this week.
Both of my orange habs are not doing so well, think it is in part over watering.


My Redhot seems to be getting its first pod!


Also I've added some plants to my collection. Firstly last week I bought a Choc hab which is looking really good. Today I bought a yellow hab which is about to flower, some Serranos, and some Zimbabwe Birdseyes.

Heres a pic of the choc hab, I'm yet to take pics of the others Im too stuffed after potting them.
Both of my orange habs are not doing so well, think it is in part over watering.
Yeah, pretty much only water them when they're asking for it--something you'll learn to read with experience. (Easier said than done, I know, as I myself have a bad habit of over-watering too! I know they're not asking for it but I water them anyway just in case I'm not around when they do want it! :lol:)

Also, be careful with the sun too. If it is too intense, that can cause yellowing and stunt growth also--especially if the soil is really heating up. Do you have them in full sun all day? If so, it may be not such a bad idea to move them out of the sun during the more intense periods. You've definitely done the right thing by mulching though. ;)

My Redhot seems to be getting its first pod!
The best part of growing! :D
I'm really enjoying these forums, there's so much to read and learn. After looking at what the members of this forum are growing I'm more motivated than ever to grow more different chillies. I've started to learn about growing from seed for next years crop, and dreaming about what I will try grow. Lucky for me it will be real easy to get seeds from the hippyseed company.
I never stop dreaming and planning. :lol:

If you wanted to have a crack at growing from seed this season, I could chuck a few seeds your way. My banks are a bit low but I'm sure I can rustle up something... ;)
Yeah, pretty much only water them when they're asking for it--something you'll learn to read with experience. (Easier said than done, I know, as I myself have a bad habit of over-watering too! I know they're not asking for it but I water them anyway just in case I'm not around when they do want it! :lol:)

Also, be careful with the sun too. If it is too intense, that can cause yellowing and stunt growth also--especially if the soil is really heating up. Do you have them in full sun all day? If so, it may be not such a bad idea to move them out of the sun during the more intense periods. You've definitely done the right thing by mulching though. ;)

The best part of growing! :D

I just can't help myself, because I watered my new plants had to give my others some water too...... Got an issue with one of the pots holding too much water too, it has a tray built in and it filled real easy. You could be right about the sunlight they do get shade late in the arvo. I will monitor it tomorrow and see just how many hours of light their getting. They would be getting the hottest part of the day atm.

I never stop dreaming and planning. :lol:

If you wanted to have a crack at growing from seed this season, I could chuck a few seeds your way. My banks are a bit low but I'm sure I can rustle up something... ;)

Was planning on starting from seed next year, but still maybe worth getting it a test run this year. Was thinking about buying a mixed caribbeen from Bunnings as a test. I didn't mind buying bigger chilli plants, the choc hab and the yellow hab look really good atm. But the others came as 2 or more seedlings together and they had grown to the point where they were very hard to pull apart. So I have no idea if the Zimbabwe Birdseye and the serranos will survive. I've put them in a well shelted place as it is windy and they don't have much of a root system holding them up. Another good reason to grow from seed.

Heres some pics of my other plants.
yellow hab

Yellow and choc hab


Zimbabwe Birdseye


You could be right about the sunlight they do get shade late in the arvo. I will monitor it tomorrow and see just how many hours of light their getting. They would be getting the hottest part of the day atm.
It may not even be the case at all but yeah, it's just something to keep an eye on. The trouble isn't the light, chilli plants love and need light (lack thereof will cause problems too), it's the intensity and heat of the sun they don't like. It can sometimes be a case of damned if you, damned if you don't, I guess....

I'm actually gonna experiment a little with shadecloth this season. Last season I really learned the hard way that chillies aren't the biggest fans of our HOT Aussie sun. The season before that--my first time growing chillies--I was growing on a patio and my plants weren't copping it as bad, but last season after I put 'em out into full sun.... yeah, they hated me for it! :lol:

But the others came as 2 or more seedlings together and they had grown to the point where they were very hard to pull apart. So I have no idea if the Zimbabwe Birdseye and the serranos will survive. I've put them in a well shelted place as it is windy and they don't have much of a root system holding them up. Another good reason to grow from seed.
I wouldn't stress too hard. I've damaged roots pretty badly before and the seedlings/plants have bounced back--it may just take a little time is all. Just keep 'em out of the elements for a bit as you are already doing and see what happens....
My new Zimbabwe Birdseye and the serranos didn't like the heat yesterday. Got the shock of my life when I went to see them at 11am to find one of them lying on its side, and the others not looking so good. :shocked: :( edit: all the plants look alot better today. :)

I've now placed my plants somewhere, where they will get the morning some, but shaded by a tree 11am onward. The tree doesn't cut out all the light mind you, but should greatly cut down on heat. Just noticed some ants taking interest in my plants. :mad: Time to get the Neem oil out.

On a good note my first pod is looking good and growing well, and it seems more pods are coming up. I'm abit surprised I'm getting pods this early but hey you won't here me complaining about it. :dance: