• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

My Crazy Late Koreansoul Grow Log

So, here I am. I have started VERY late in the season. 
At first I was just going to grow bell peppers (I put them in a lot of different foods) and a handful of hot peppers. Scotch Bonnets, Habaneros, Bhut Jolokia, Thai Hots, Gochu (Korean hot peppers), and Cayenne. However, (hysterical laughing) I caught the chili bug. 
So, now on my grow list is the following:
  • Red Habenero
  • Yellow Habenero
  • Thai Hot
  • Jimmy Nardello's Cayenne
  • Scoth Bonnets
  • Ghost Peppers (Bhut Jolokia, Red, Peach, Orange, Yellow)
  • Black Naga
  • Bonda ma Jacques
  • Malaysian Goroonong
  • Yellow Scotch Bonnet
  • Datil
  • Fantalii
  • Carolina Reaper
  • SB7J
  • 7 Pot - Yellow
  • 7 Pot - White
  • 7 Pot - Barrackpore
  • 7 Pot - Bubblegum
  • 7 Pot - Red
  • 7 Pot - Primo
  • 7 Pot - Brown
  • TS - Yellow
  • TS - CARDI
  • TS - Red
  • TS - Chocolate
  • Trinidad Congo Red
  • KimChi Hybrid
  • Korean Gochu
Most of the above are still in paper towels getting started. I transplanted some of them that started rooting today. 
In this area are SB7J, Caribbean Red, 7 Pot Red, and 7 Pot Brown.

In this corner we have. TS Chocolate, Datil, Bonda Ma Jacques,

These are Bhuts and then the blurry further down are habs. 

Jimmy Nardellos Cayenne

I"m using my own mix for potting which includes perlite, vermiculite, garden soil, tomoatotone, and kelp. I'm also organic with pest control. 
First time doing this so please bare with me. lol 
Yes I was your Dr. How did you find me on a pepper forum? 

Slizarus how are you getting your information? lol I'll post some pictures of the ferments and hot sauce and reapers. :) 
Here is a quick update to y grow long. 
My seeds are doing pretty well and are getting big. I"m so proud of them! lol 


These are Bhut jolokia's off of a plant that has a manganese deficiency. FF grow big is slowly knocking it out! I have another bhut plant that is throwing a huge amount of flowers/pods out but I don't see much fruit yet. I'll post a picture as soon as It has more pods on it!


Hey look you can see my ferments in the back! These are White Bhut Jolokia (Ghost pepper) seedlings. They're getting pretty big and I'll separate them soon. I also have Dougulas and Morugas started this way. :)

Since Florida has two grow seasons (before we hit hell and after we pass through hell) I've started more seeds. If you notice I don't put my plants under grow lights. I put them out and take them in at night. It's to humid out and they seedlings will just die if I don't and it also saves time later because I don't have to harden them off.
More soon to come. :)
Here is an update to my grow log. The little babies that were in the white cups have now made their way out to the yard. Well, most of them have at least. :) 
They're doing very well and I have a ton of new babies that are just getting big in the little white cups. Here are my new transplants. 
These are various 7 pots and Congo Red. We have from left to right 7 pot red, 7 pot Brown, 7 Pot White, Congo Red. 

Another View.

A close up of the first one. 

They're all looking amazing considering they're just a month old now. I'm very happy at how their doing considering my version of germinating them. Which is me taking them outside in the morning and then back inside at night. The method is working really well. 
These are four Aleppo plants. I'm very excited to be growing these true Aleppo's expecially since I love the flavor. 

I was scoping out one of my Bhut Jolokia plants. I was fairly sure this one did not have pods. However, I was wrong and spied these two guys this morning. 

This is one of my TS Yellow. 

And here is another 7 Pot White

As you can see I use bags, pots, and a raised bed. I like the grow bags much more. Not only can I move my plants around (me and some Aphid Farmer Ants had a fight for awhile) but the plants seem to love them. I'll let you guys know if I see a huge difference in the grow rate. 
I'm also going to be making some 10 gallon grow bags. I have two sweet pepper plants in a 10 gallon bag and they're doing amazing considering I shoved two in there. I'm very excited to see what one of my hots will do. 
As well, since Florida pretty much has two grow seasons (one before the summer and one after) I'm starting a ton of new seeds. I have managed to keep my plants alive so far this summer (with the humidity, rain storms, heat) so I think a year round grow is going to be more then doable. 
More updates to come! 
I haven't had the chance to follow most glogs, but by the looks of things here you're doing a great job with the plants.