• Everything other than hot peppers. Questions, discussion, and grow logs. Cannabis grow pics are only allowed when posted from a legal juridstiction.

My dead dirt - a report


I'll let you know in 20 years (or if you don't hear from me, you'll know the answer) if it is wise or not.

OK, seriously, the ground in not contaminated, at least not with anything that shows up in tests. Rather, it simply - for one reason or another - would not hold enough moisture to allow plants to grow. It's not completely amended, at least not all of it, but it now holds moisture and isn't dry a day after 2" of rain.

At the other end, the part I didn't do anything with, nothing is growing and I do mean nothing.

How it got like this, when 12 feet south is very good soil, is beyond my knowledge and no one from different agencies I have talked with has a clue. The closest guess is the edge of a glacier, which makes as much sense as anything else.

One thing for sure - I won't beat mom's record of canning 350 quarts of green beans in one season, but I should top the 50 quart mark if they all keep growing.


Actually, we didn't and there weren't many quarts left. Keep in mind, seven of us sat down at the dinner table and five of us had huge appetites.

The reason for so many that year was dad did not believe in us sitting around if he could find work for us. It would rain too much to plant tobacco but not too much to sow beans, since the ground only had to be dry on the top couple of inches. So we kept planting beans.

Understand 100% Mike. I can't tell you how man times me or a sibling was sent downstairs to "grab a pint of this or a quart of that".

Eight of us at the table. Don't think I ever got tired of beans either. Specially when there was a couple of slices of bacon in the pot with them. Oh man, green beans and bacon. I did get tired of snapping the damn things though.:)
I always add bacon to my beans - I thought it was mandatory!

Instead of canning I blanch the beans which means it takes longer to cook them but it's worth it. A couple of slices of bacon in a covered pot of beans, simmering for three hours or so...

Thanks to a huge downpour Thursday night and some very warm temps the past few days, I should have my first pickin's of the season in the next day or so.

Oh man I'm jealous. I can almost smell them cooking. If you get a moment after eating them I would truly love to hear all about it.:)