hydroponics My DIY hydroponic experimental setup

[SIZE=10.5pt]Hi folks, [/SIZE]
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[SIZE=10.5pt]I made and posted a video about a project I worked over the summer- an integrated and compact system to experiment with hydroponics, growing indoors and generally furthering my hobby. I've browsed around THP often, but signed up today to show you a summary of what I built. I focused on building something i'd be fine with leaving out in the open around the house, while at the same time delivering the variables required for indoor growing with a fair degree of control. The system grows only basil and thai peppers now, but will transition to a full pepper station once the basil starts to get consumed. The plants continue to do really well.   Link below:[/SIZE]
do you produce kick starter promotional videos for a living?
this thing is like...a really well done video.
only thing missing is a voice over + slides of conceptual drawings and some inspirational fluff.