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seeds My dogs a Jerk...jealous of my seedlings.

I suppose the title and description explains whats going on here pretty well...

Wow, that sucks. He certainly looks like he's in deep #$%^. But ya know what, I'll bet that little old (looked old anyway) guy will be sleepin at the foot of the bed tonight anyway. You gotta love um.
Aw. c'mon Nicole. Rudy just needs a little more greens in his diet! :D Sorry about your baby chiles, but they don't look decimated and will probably struggle back to health.
Awww, poor Rudy, he looks so guilty and also like he is feelin' so bad about things at the same time.

I used to have a siamese cat that would chew on some of my favorite plants.

He just wanted my attention and didn't dig the fact that I was also taking care of and paying attention to something else other than him.

I noticed that if I would sit and stare at some new growth on a cherished plant, and if he was there watching me do that, within a day or two, he'd make that plant pay, with bite and chew marks.

Pets, hahaha, ya gotta luv 'em.

Poor Rudy... Hope he doesn't do like my cat did after she ate all the lower leaves aff of the Jolokia I brought in during the freeze, which was throw-up 5 or 6 times.

Spray them with some fish emulsion and they will pop back in no time.
My dog being a pug is the perfect height to just stick his head over the tops of all my potted plants.
I've noticed half chewed leaves on just about everything but luckily he hasn't totally killed anything yet.

Hopefully yours all grow back strong and well :)
Hot Sauce in his mouth and a cold shower !! That even keeps adopted kids from telling lies ! Ok ..... maybe not all that funny.

Rudy does look sorry. If he would have been a cat he would have just flipped you off.

P. Dreadie
well, Rudy did what every normal dog does...have a purgative...that's why they eat grass and other stuff once a year...no jealousy from him, that's innate behavior from every dog nicole ;) , take him out to a park once in a while.

give your plants some nutrients,drench and foliar, they will be back in a week... ;)
Your dog looks guilty, no doubt about that, but more importantly chili plants are a member of the nightshade family. The leaves, stem and roots are toxic. I would definitely get them off the floor and out of reach from ol' Rudy. There's no point in tempting him with a plant that has the potential to harm him.
Hey, this is kinda like training for if you ever have children. Think of Rudy as a small kid. You just have to "child proof" the house and love the hell out of him. I think the plants will do fine. Rudy looks like a very cool dog.
Blister- I didnt know they were toxic, thanks for tell me !

He did feel guilty, because he started making the face when I walked in and the plants are up stairs so I didnt even notice for a while after I came home but I knew he did it because hes the worst liar!

And no I didnt stay mad at him, he didnt just sleep at the foot of the bed, he slept like a human with his head on the pillow .. hes a bit spoiled

Taking him out for "some greens" is impossible with the 2 feet of snow we got here in NY

Willard- He is spoiled rotten and is an attention whore.. he gets more attention then he wants, he often walks away from me because he wants to sleep and not play

hittman- Rudys best friend is a Pug, his name is Wilson.. heres a video of them .. poor quality but its so cute

No problem Nicole. Don't know if you guys grow them or not, but heads up on tomato plants as they're also a member of the same nightshade family
One tip for getting the pets some green stuff is to grow your own wheat grass for them. Just let it go to seed twice a year and you'll never have to buy another at the market.