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My erection thread

No, not what you probably are thinking. It's about my attempt to erect my Arrow, 10'x12' metal storage shed.

First thoughts - us men are getting weaker. It took four guys, a couple of them pretty big hosses, to load a 249 box into the back of a pick-em-up truck.

Not inspired by the documentation:
*Size rounded to the nearest foot*
Foundation Size: 121" x 143 1/4"

143 and 1/4" is rounded to the nearest foot?

One would think that a mass produced product would be milled to exacting specifications - not this shed! Holes that are supposed to align are off by several millimeters.

Note to programmers who set up the cutting/drilling devices: erect one of these things following instructions and see if it works.

Just started this evening and am interrupted by thunderstorms, but I have the two base side rails and the base front rail together.

I'll have this thing up by Labor Day come hell or high water!

You will have to use some old school tricks and lube to get it to work ;), sounds like a few things I have built lately !

Good luck..
Hmm, I can't think of anything non-dirty to say other than...gl with your erection, hope it comes out alright.

Oh wait...;)

One would think that a mass produced product would be milled to exacting specifications

Ya haven't been to china, eh?

Heh, dad and i once put together a big metal swing set...we ended up with like several extra nuts and bolts, and a peice of metal we never did identify. The swinng set stayed up throuhg about 20 foster kids for about 8 yrs though until it rusted.
well, lets see....121 X 143 1/4....to the closest foot huh...

0.83% on the 10' side and 0.17% on the 12' side..not bad on the overall dimensions...

hope you have a drill to reset the holes...
imaguitargod said:
If you give a man a stick of dynamite, he'll probably want some beer.

Dink enough beer and the erection is postponed for the rest of the evening!

So far, haven't needed to drill any holes but have used a small screwdriver to enlarge a couple of holes.

Looking at the sacks, it's going to take a whole lot of screwing before the erection is complete. :hell:

While trying to take care of two studs at the same time, my erection was interrupted by deer in the neighborhood - a rather rare sight in the part of the city. Only the second time in both three and 22 years it has happened. The deer was not horny, maybe because it is not old enough.

If I didn't have to stop for showers, I might finish this erection by tomorrow, except for covering everything. I can tell you - I'm looking forward to that smoke and glass of wine once I finish screwing and filling holes.

I knew there was a reason why men don't read instructions - because they (the instructions, not the males) are stupid. The next step in erecting my shed is suppose to be to screw corner panels (front and side walls) into the base. Say what? Did the writers fall off an onion truck and bump their heads on the asphalt several times during their lunch break, then finish writing the instructions? This is ludicrous, akin to nailing sheeting onto a baseboard without any studs being present.

The directions are quite clear - have plenty of time and lots of help to do this, as wind can damage your shed. Wow - they deserve a Pulitzer Prize for overstating the obvious. I attach a 4' wide by 6' tall piece of flimsey metal to a flimsey base using three tiny screws and I risk it being damaged if a gust of wind comes? Who would have thunk this?

On a side note, it's great to see Jethro Bodine Clampett has found a job where his sixth grade education is handy. I think he may be over-qualified for the job, at least according to how these people seem to like to do things.

Oh man have I been in your shoes before. You have my sympathy.

Oh, it's just Jethro Bodine. Jed Clampett was his uncle.:P
I'm staying away from certain terms in this thread... I think ya'll got that covered.

The instruction writers at Arrow don't know a keyboard from a whole in the wall much less how to read or write the English language. Spelling errors, typos, and WTF's abound throughout the so-called instruction manual.

Ours is a 10X16, I think. It took forever with a lot of sheet metal cuts, bruises, and cursing the manufacturers to hell and back.

We had better luck custom making the flooring out of old pallets and plywood.

It is water tight, still standing after 2 years, no rust, and not leaning. Not too bad of an investment, but I never want to be party in putting one up again.
I took the past couple days off from erecting it as my day job needed attention. Hopefully, I'll have the other side, back and part of the front on today.

Still haven't decided on a floor but I'm leaning toward leaving part of it dirt. My tiller is quite old and tends to leak a bit of oil. But I have wood and other stuff I like to store until needed and I need to keep it off the ground. I may go with half of it covered and half dirt.

Darn the back luck - I was zipping along, having screwed a couple hundred holes today, knocking off one piece after another. And suddenly, my erection has been shut down. The next step calls for me to insert Part No. 9369 but I don't have that part in my armamentarium. So until Arrow ships me the door jambs, I suppose I am at standstill. Talk about a deflating moment!

I'm skipping jambing and moving along. Got about half the roof on but keep getting more and more de-mazed at how idiotic the designers are. No way can anyone weighing more than 45 or 50 pounds stand on the roof, yet one is suppose to reach across more than three feet and put a bolt through two pieces of the roof and a roof cap. My knuckles don't drag the ground when I walk.

I will say, Arrow spared no expenses when it came to providing weather stripping - a 25' row of duct tape.

imaguitargod said:
If you give a man a stick of dynamite, he'll probably want some beer.

.....I almost think you have read the children's book.."If you give a moose a muffin..";)

If you give a moose a muffin, he will probably want some jam.

If you give the moose some jam, he will want some blackberries that the jam was made from...

When he craps out the muffins he will probably want some TP, etc.....

The whole "Give a man some dynamite, he will probably want some beer" deserves it's own thread.;)
I once found a box that was labeled "Dynamite" laying in an old stripping room. I figured, yeah, sure, everyone leaves a box or two of dynamite laying around. Took the top off and yeah, it was dynamite. Had white flakes growing out the ends. I replaced the lid - very, very slowly and tip-toed out of the room.

A friend, who worked with dynamite, told me I was pretty lucky. The white flakes meant it was going unstable.

That ranks up there with finding a box filled with bottles of cyanide in an old house we were cleaning out. Dad suggested I let the box lay right where it was and not do anything that may cause any bottles to break!

I'm rounding third and heading for home. Have to add the doors and roof caps then do a whole bunch of screwing fringe areas. But so far, so good!

Remember to put on a raincoat if it starts to get real wet in there!

~ sorry just had to add a comment. Love the thread. :D