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My erection thread

caroltlw said:
Remember to put on a raincoat if it starts to get real wet in there!

~ sorry just had to add a comment. Love the thread. :D

No worries, mate. I too stopped in to check in to see hows his errection was going.
I am shooting for a climax Thursday. I know it is two days away, but I still have a lot of screwing to do, plus I have to figure out how to mount the body to get to some of the holes that need screwed. I'm afraid they cannot withstand my size without collapsing under the pressure.

This is virgin territory for me and even Google doesn't give me decent advice.

I had to put my erection on hold this evening (I didn't say hold my erection!) because I needed to clean up a few dozen pots with plants I will not use this year. Recovered about 90 quarts of potting soil, all of it mixed with roots.

FWIW, it's neat to ignore an erection and come back 24 hours later and find it is still there, waiting to be culminated!

FWIW, it's neat to ignore an erection and come back 24 hours later and find it is still there, waiting to be culminated!


At what point are you suppose to call your doctor?
joeknowsjolokia said:
FWIW, it's neat to ignore an erection and come back 24 hours later and find it is still there, waiting to be culminated!


At what point are you suppose to call your doctor?[/QUOTE]

Usually after 8 hours.
I've nearly taken care of my erection!!!

Still have a few things to cap off, but will have to find a way to mount it - I don't want it to collapse under my weight and a couple of holes that are still waiting to be screwed, but soon I'll have everything filled in.

Despite warnings about wearing protection, I don't think I got any infections of any kind, despite the number of pieces I screwed over more than two weeks - sometimes in less than ideal positions.

Good to hear that you finally got it up! Now that it's up, get in there and work. Don't be afraid to get a little dirty, it's more fun that way.
Here's the nearly taken care erection:


And from the rear. I still have a lot of rocks to get off:



Thanks! And actually I am. I did 95 percent of it by myself. Used a sledge hammer (turned upside down) to hold up railings until I could get a screw in it. It took from a couple of days after Memorial Day until now to get it almost finished - I need to add some screws here and there and probably find a way to anchor it in a few places, though I have plenty of wood, metal, blocks, etc., I tend to store and can put some of it on the base.

My next erection will be more challenging - a 12x16' greenhouse. It won't be a kit, though. I plan on using treated 4x4s for some of the posts. It will be 8' high on one side, 6' on the opposite. A door on the east side, a window on the west. Two layers of plastic - six mil inside, 12 mil reinforced on the outside. The north and west side will be solid walls (except for the window on the west) and very heavily insulated. I'm seriously considering lining the north wall with red plastic on the inside - supposedly it reflects red light back to the plants.

It's also a goal to make it self-sustaining during the winter and spring. Trim leaves from plants, add them to a big drum and have a continuous source of compost and compost tea.

Well, no ones going to point and laugh at that erection! Well done, sir.

Can I trade you my trailer for your motorhome??