My few little peppers 2010

The jamaican scotch bonnets are ripening quick, here's the bigger one:




and the smaller one:



And a nice little harvest:
(i must admit that i've left some ripe pods a few days on the plants ^^)

Here comes the firsts ripe peruvian white habanero pods, i need to try them now. ^^
(you can notice a huge rocoto pod on the plant with elongated pods, hehe)


The brazilian starfish pods still take their time to ripen, only two for now, but it will come soon...

Thanks :)

Now those peppers actually look like bonnets. Been looking for pictures of those.

The seeds are from Peppermania, labeled 'jamaican scotch bonnet'. (well, all these peppers' seeds are from Peppermania except the rocotos)

Here's a pic of one of the last harvested pods while it was on the plant. There is a lot of variability in pod shape on the plants, but this shape may be the most common.


And the big rocoto cut in half: ^^

Thanks :)

The seeds are from Peppermania, labeled 'jamaican scotch bonnet'. (well, all these peppers' seeds are from Peppermania except the rocotos)

Here's a pic of one of the last harvested pods while it was on the plant. There is a lot of variability in pod shape on the plants, but this shape may be the most common.


And the big rocoto cut in half: ^^


WOW! Never saw a pepper with black seeds. :eek: :lol:
Nice rocoto!!

Pubes are now my fave dessert chile.

Excellent super sweet fruity flavor with a little kick. :)

I've gotta grow enough of these to make what I'm sure would be some excellent preserves for bagels, toast and ice cream topping.
I love the rocoto flavor too, very fruity and sweet, but they still have a good heat. :)

Talkin' about flavor, i have to harvest some more brazilian starfish to taste them again, but they were very fruity too, a special taste, not too hot, but still hot.
The lemon drop have a special citrus taste, not too hot too.
The peruvian white habaneros have got a strong flavor and a strong heat too. I can't really compare to other habaneros, as i've only tasted those from the french west indies (Guadeloupe, Martinique), but they have quite the same heat, maybe not exactly the same flavor.
The jamaican scotch bonnet is a new favorite for me ^^. The sweet fruity flavor is very strong with this little bit of smoky taste, they are just delicious.

Today's micro-harvest:


I live in south of France (important thing, climate is quite different depending on regions), summer is usually hot (i'm not far from Spain) and winter is not too cold (but still cold).
But it can be quite different year to year... i'm living here for only 2 years, but this year we had a crappy month of may (low temperatures, nights at 4-5°C, a lot of rain, some hail) and i may say that august is not beginning well (we had a few nights at 11-12°C last week and now we have 14-15°C at night / 22-28°C at day, last year at the same period we had over 35°C during the day and 20-25°C at night, hehe.) :/
But we had some heat in july. Maybe it will be a little better now.
The end of summer can be pretty cool here.
Frosts are rare (not happening every year) after mid april and before mid october.

About the nice look of the pods, it maybe have more to do with genetics than my climate, thanks Peppermania. :)
Today's harvest :)


The peruvian habaneros are ripening fast, but the starfishs are still taking their time, hehe.
Temperatures are still low for the season, i hope it will be better next week. (the scotch bonnets have dropped a lot of flowers last 2 weeks :/)
This week's harvests:


Still waiting for the starfishs invasion... :)
But it will come soon.
The lemon drop and peruvian white habaneros are producing on a regular rhythm.
Only a few rocotos are left on the plants, but they start to produce new pods again, it seems like an harvest in the end of october/november...
The scotch bonnets have few pods left too, they had a lot of flower drop lately, but with the coming back of hot weather that we hadn't got since beginning of august, they are growing and flowering again.
you will like the starfish, i have lots of them. my first year growing them and i love the taste. how do you like the white habs? I grew them last year...thought they tasted like dirt :(
very nice harvest!!!! i'm so jealous that you all already have pods.

Shouldn't you be harvesting all year long in the Philippines ? :P

you will like the starfish, i have lots of them. my first year growing them and i love the taste. how do you like the white habs? I grew them last year...thought they tasted like dirt :(

I've already tried a few starfish, and yes they have a beautiful special fruity flavor, and they aren't so mild than that. ^^
About the white habs, they have a good heat with a strong taste, but mostly basic peppery taste, not really fruity.
I was expecting something more fruity, but i don't really know how habaneros usually taste... I'll find it out year after year, hehe.
For now i mainly freeze them, i'll try to sun dry some too.
I took a few pics of my pepper plants this week...

Pods on the brazilian starfish are at last beginning to ripen. :)


The lemon drop is till producing and making new pods at a regular rhythm:


The jamaican scotch bonnet (bigger one) is still got a few pods ripening and is beginning to flower again:


The peruvian white habanero is spreading... and it produces a lot of pods:


And this week's harvests:



I wonder what i'll do with all these pods... specially when i'll have more plants. lol