seeds My first 3 coty seedlings..two in a few days

I know its only an uncommon oddity and iv seen it in posts before, but I got my first couple of seedlings with 3 cotys over the last few days so thought id post a pic.
Out of the 100 or so seeds iv germed this year I have never had one with 3 cotys. I got them both within a couple of days of each other - and they are different strains.
this is the first one, its an HP22B;

and this is the second one, its a JAFSH cross

I would def tag those.  There has to be some sort of advantage to having three leaves to start with.  Might get passed on through seeds. :D
Botanydude88 said:
I would def tag those.  There has to be some sort of advantage to having three leaves to start with.  Might get passed on through seeds. :D
You would assume 3 cotys would = faster growth as a seedling. We will see I guess.
I know others have noticed no difference in growth though
lol, my normal 2 cots are more than making up for that disappointment.
maybe somebody else will get lucky and find one that has jumpstarted growth during the first month or so.
2 of the 3 Reaper seeds I have so far that germinated have 3 cotys. How have yours grown out? Curious if they were duds. I'm going to keep 4 to keep growing, hoping to end up with at least 2 by the time to plant outside.
I think the 3 coty JAFSH is going decently.
The reaper is a bit of a runt but is still growing. (i have terrible luck with all reapers)
The 3 coty plants are turning out normal though.
the 4 coty however is some kind of siamese plant and is quite interesting. 
The 4 cot is awesome.  Regarding 3 cots, from memory, the mother fatalli plant pepper-guru grew started as a 3 cot.  That thing must have spat out more than 1000 pods a year for something like 8 years so you might be in rarefied air.
I have (had?) a three cot yellow moruga scorpion. I can't remember if it was one of the few sprouts that didn't make it though. Recently had to put down a few that had shriveled to just sticks and dried leaves. Regardless, once it started growing true leaves there didn't seem to be much difference between it and my other sprouts