• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

My first attempt...

I was given about 60 fruit bearing trees and bushes last week and in my mind, that just about makes me a farmer. I have decided I want to growing a lot of different fruits and veggies this spring. I have never done this before, but after some reading and the help of youtube, I started with some super hot seeds 2 days ago. Again, I have NEVER attempted anything like this, so I would like to keep a Glog here with you guys to get pointers, laughed at, and congratulated hopefully, lol
At the very least, I can share the experience with people who have done these already.
D-Day...seeds go in the dirt!

I planted 20 Moruga scorpion seeds, 10 carloina reapers, 10 each of Purple, white, red, chocolate, yellow, peach, and green Bhutlah. I know I went WAY overboard with these, but I wanted to make sure that I had a few of each make it. I kind of hope that I do not end up with 90 plants, but I am sure I can give some away, haha. I used a seed starter soil and a Jiffy greenhouse set up. Its about 80 degrees at night here, so I need to get a little heat on these guys. I plan on putting them in my shed outside with a warm light. I will be covering the greenhouse so they do not get any of the light. I read that its better to get them started in the dark. Opinions greatly appreciated! I plan on taking a pic every day, but no need to post till I see some results

I see everyone else listing what they have in the dirt, so I want to do that too, lol
Planted on 12/2
Chocolate Bhuts x10
Peach Bhuts x10
Orange Bhuts x10
Green Bhuts x10
White Bhuts x10
Purple Bhuts x10
Trinidad Scorpion x20
Carolina Reaper x10
Planted on 12/5
Yellow sweet peppers x30
Red sweet peppers x10
Orange sweet peppers x5
Peter Peppers x20
Planted on 12/6
Cayenne peppers x12
Green bell pepper x 24
yellow banana pepper x12
Planted on 12/11
Bishops caps x 12
red jalapeno x12
Planted 12/13 (Friday the 13th!)
Naga morich x 10
Red fatlii x10
Douglah x10
Yellow fatalli x10
7 pot chocolate x10
7 pot brain strain x10
Mustard habanero x10
Black Congo x10
Monster douglah x10
Black naga x10
Ts x ghost x10
Cappachino habanero x10
Yellow naga x brain strain x10
Red habanero x10
7 pot white x10
7 pot changuana x10
Dorset naga x10
Yellow douglah x10
Red congo x10 
Yellow Congo x10
Non pepper related grow:
Planting soon:
Yellow butch t
Bhut indian carbon
Naga X Brain strain
Tasmanian Habenero
Cappucino Habenero
Giant White Habenero
Infinity pepper
Chocolate Carolina Reaper
Chocolate Trinidad Scorpions
Bishops Cap
Majah X
Red 7 Pot
Bengel Naga
White 7 pot
Hoping to get:
7 pot primos 
...and just about anything else I can get my hands on :)
OK, today was pretty awesome. I traded a local gardening hobbiest a bunch of loquat and fig trees for some plants for my house/garden. Pics will be attached. 
As for my "crop" I finally put some light on them. I watched too many conflicting videos and have had them in the dark almost all day long. I cant find these videos now to save my life, but they are under fluorescent light fixtures now. Enough typing, here are a few pics:
Purple Bhuts

White bhuts

Trinidad scorpion

A few shots of the other plants
Donkey tail

about 20% of the trimmings from the dragonfruit cactus

This thing:

Got 2 of these, and probably 500 seeds

This thing smells like rotting meat. Seriously. Its sick, yet awesome at the same time

Swiss cheese plants and a mother in law thingy??

I have about a dozen more plants, but they are nothing fancy. Just felt like messing around with the camera a little bit :)
38 sprouts already! Still NO yellow bhuts, but my reapers and scorpions are popping up. 9/10 for the white bhuts, 9/10 on the purples, the peach are 3/10, 1/10 on the red and 3/10 on chocolates. interesting odds so far!
Also have sweet peppers breaking ground already :)
You are off to a good start, Tim!  Don't worry - the seeds pop
when they are ready; I've had some go almost three weeks!  
And I like the bi-polar plant in the second to last picture  :rofl:
Looking good.
Just remember, the #1 killer of plants is "over attention".
Don't give up on the slow ones. I've had some go almost 2 months before poking their little heads up, and 1 that got pods 6 weeks from putting the seed in the sprouter.
Bolivian Rainbow, just in case you were wondering.
6 weeks? wow! How did they taste?
I have more than half of the seeds sprouting now, along with some seeds I took from a bag of peppers from work, and the peter peppers are also taking off. I stuffed 2 new seed trays today with 20 different varieties of hot stuff, I really need to get some more mild-mediums going. After all of these get transplanted, I will work on that :)
As of now, I have 60 of the 90 seeds sprouting. MUCH better than I had thought I would be able to do. They are popping up every day. My yellow bhuts are even coming in, 4/10 so far. I would not be surprised if I get 80+ plants from these. 
With the quantity you planted, Are you planning on selling pods this year? If they are for personal consumption, you have a bunch.
I can tell you from experience that 3 healthy chinense plants of the same variety can pump out more pods than one person can use in a year. (My brainstrains and butch Ts probably put out in excess of 4 gallon freezer bags full for each type and I had 3 plants of each. Neither are on my grow list this year, there is just too many in the freezer still.)
I have no idea what I am going to do with them honestly. I had no idea they were going to grow this easily. If I get numbers like I think I will be getting, I guess I will have to try to get some to farmers markets or facebook groups to get rid of a lot of them, naturally tons will be offered here also. I would not have what I have without the help of the guys on this forum. I originally started planting at least 10 of each, anything else I plant that I won't be using a lot of (bell peppers, berries, etc) I am going to drop 2-4 seeds at the most. I mean, 60 Bhut plants is a little out of control! 
I do plan on drying a bunch and making some hot sauces, but I know I will have way too many to deal with realistically. They are already planted though, and there is no reason to kill them. I want to keep some here, but the majority will be going to my mothers house since she has way more extra space than I do. It should be a fun learning experience to say the least, lol
I had originally wanted to have 1-2 of each type of plant, but very soon after I started planting, realized that is still an enormous amount of greenery. I still have to try a bunch of the peppers I am growing, the only ghosts I have eaten were crosses. I do want to keep a few scorpion bushes here, those seem to be my favorites so far. 
Figured I would update with a few pics :)
First up: a shot of the seeds I pulled from someones lunch at work. They had a big bag of sweet peppers. Had no idea they would grow, but they are doing GREAT. The ones in the "top" 2 rows are peter peppers, this tray is only half full.


Next up: My first cayenne pepper breaking ground. Still no luck with the bishops caps or the bell peppers yet. Thinking it will be any day now, this is the seed mic I got from the nursery near my house, not Jiffy or MIraclegrow.

A few shots of the hot pepper tray

Row 1 scorpions
Row 2 scorpions
Row 3 White bhuts
Row 4 Chocolate Bhuts
Row 5 Reapers
Row 6 Peach bhuts
Row 7 Purple Bhuts
Row 8 yellow bhuts
Row 9 Red bhuts
Row 10-empty

Purple Bhuts:

Its interesting that the some of reapers are sprouting with 3 leaves, wonder whats up with that? Any thoughts?
Peppers do that once in a while, it's not rare, and usually doesn't
seem to make any difference in the mature growth of the plant.  It's
just kind of a cool oddity, like fused leaves, that just sort of
spontaneously arise in one plant or another.  
Your flats of seedlings look great, Tim.  You should have a very
successful grow 2014!
PaulG said:
Peppers do that once in a while, it's not rare, and usually doesn't
seem to make any difference in the mature growth of the plant.  It's
just kind of a cool oddity, like fused leaves, that just sort of
spontaneously arise in one plant or another.  
Your flats of seedlings look great, Tim.  You should have a very
successful grow 2014!
I am having a lot of fun with this. My 12 year old daughter and I have sampled over 20 varieties so far. The hottest she had a sliver of was an infinity pepper and she took it like a champ, haha. We have just over 50 varieties of seed now. We take whatever we can from the ones we sample and plan on growing quite a few more varieties, but much less quantity, of the milder stuff for us to keep. Not much point in doing this if no one else can eat what we produce, haha.
Haha I have the same problem; I'm the only chilihead in the house!
That doesn't stop me, though   :twisted:
Wa cool that your daughter is into it with you!
Infinity?  Wow, she's a black belt!
Surprisingly, its all me and my daughter. My wife hates super spicy foods, but thats why we are also growing banana peppers, tons of bell and sweet peppers, and my favorite, the bishops caps. Those are DELICIOUS! I see a tray full of those stuffed with crabmeat and shrimp in my near future
This is where I am at as of last night. Upgraded my crappy y-12 to t8 lights (5,000s) I have quite a few more trays planted (not all peppers) and have made a better location for these guys since I was winging it for the first few weeks
Top row are the tomato and veggie tray, super hot tray I started with, second tray of misc peppers, decorative flowers
second row are the sweet peppers that I pulled seeds from someones snack at work and peter peppers, followed by the misc try that I have had the most problems with

This is my first layout that I ma using just for fresh planted seeds now. I plan on getting 4 more fixtures for this bench to put the plastic cups when I move the peppers up in a week or two. 
These are a lot of different jalapenos and habaneros mostly. They are coming along nicely!