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My First Bonchi

First season growing peppers, i had alot to learn. In the end i had 1 plant that gave me pods. Amazon Reaper turned Hab.. so after the pods ripened i figured i would give keeping it alive till next season a go. Did some over winter research and came across the bonchi.. what better way i figured. So here it is, my first attempt at a bonchi. Im actually suprised how well it took the beating it recieved. One day it got pods plucked, heavily pruned, root trim, and transplanted. Within 2 days i noticed new growth. Figured maybe this was already there and it would probably die off before actual new growth came around. Here we are a week later and the new growth just continues to flourish.. cant wait for it to be a few weeks older so i can start the trim, wire, and shaping.. anyway, here is the first pepper I have ever grown.. lets see how many seasons i can keep it alive

Thanks. I dont know how it will do, but i expect it to at least survive the winter.. its not exactly a grow tent its in. In my bedroom i had an entertainment center. The tv sits on top of the center to be high enough to watch laying in bed.. i figured the empty space where the tv is suppose to go would be a good area to hang some T5 lights and give it a go.. so far the 8 plants plus the bonchi seem very happy there.. have a seed tray with 6 more varietys sprouting as we speak.. they should finish filling the space. Its early to be growing, but in my experience they enjoy pruning and topping.. if all goes as planned this bonchi and the new sprouts will be ready for business when the last frost is gone in the spring.. If this bonchi project goes well i may grow more specifically for bonchi purposes myself
It's an interesting hobby but I wouldn't go as far as saying they enjoy it.  Surviving something and then having a terribly low yield for all the time and expense means it might as well be any random plant instead of a pepper, and that's fine - house plants are nice to have around.
In other words it is likely that by the end of next year it still won't have produced more than something started from scratch 3 months from now and not pruned at all.  They do not enjoy pruning and topping any more than a person would enjoy having a few fingers cut off then have to adapt to that.
I wouldnt compare it to losing fingers. If i cut off my fingers i dont sprout random new fingers. I get what your saying. Starting seeds in February doesnt seem like a good idea in Michigan. Last year, my first year, i started in March. Way late. Optimally i should start in Janurary. However, im not in this to get a thousand pods from each plant, im in this to get some pods from each plant and enjoy growing peppers and didnt want to wait. Aside from that, i have dozens of seeds from 34 varietys of peppers.. if i feel the need to start more in a few months, its always an option

I am not sure what your referring to with "expense" .. the lights and fan are like $15 a month on the electric bill. Soils are free. The 2 ferts i use dont exactly break the bank. I spend more a week on my rc hobby than i did in the last few months of my pepper hobby

Aside from that, i felt like some of my varietys could use some extra time.. i figure giving things like Bulls Heart more time to get some good thicker stems wouldnt hurt.
It would help if you put your location on your profile so people know it ahead of time.
$15 a month for lights and fans plus their purchase price, for about 6.5 months until the last spring frost in your area is a little over $100.  I get what you're saying about not needing 1000 pods per plant, but $100 for very few pods?
You are not that far north of me.  My late start last year was in April, and even one plant in May.   That plant's season ended two nights ago (first fall freeze) when it got dug up and hung in the garage.  Total cost about 25 cents.
Sweet.. your clearly good at growing peppers and have it down.. thats a good lookin bunch of pods. But i dont eat hot peppers, i just enjoy growing them. Wierd, i know.. but i do enjoy trying the occassional pod and get random people to eat them for fun.. but that plant right there being mine, maybe 10 pods would be used, the rest would goto waste. Im not im this to break records, im just learning and enjoying growing.. I do grow mild/sweets for the little women to eat/cook with, but she wouldnt be able to use that many either. And with 6 varietys for her, she will have plenty.

I have read the pros and cons from both the believers and non believers about pruning and/or topping.. the conclusion i reached after hours of reading is pruning doesnt hurt anything. Probably doesnt benefit anything either. But for my "needs" it isnt going to hurt anything.. i appreciate your input on our areas growing season. If my needs ever change i will use this information for sure. Part of the problem is im impatient. Which doesnt mix well with a hobby of growing things from seeds lol. Origional plan was to sow my seeds on new years. Didnt work out that way, i got bored and started planting. Its just my way.. as for $100 to grow some plants for the winter, its not an issue. I make a pretty good living
Not a fan of hot sauce either unfortunately.. outside of a guest saying "have any hot sauce" .. then nothing would amuse me more than breaking out some homeade reaper sauce and watching the show lol
Yeah it can be fun.  I have an uncle who's pretty into hot food and I casually offered some sauce and everyone's jaws dropped when they saw how much he put on his food without him realizing he was about to be in a world of pain.  Other things you can do with excess pods are just leave some lying around like potpourri... my garage and freezer smell awesome from fall till spring.
Right on.. we did dehydrate and powder some infinite peppers a buddy sent us. Figured we would find a use for it. Oddly enough we got a kitten that pooped in our giant living room plant dirt. spread around some infinite powder, problem solved, never pooped there again lol. Few things amuse me more than somebody who us cocky trying their first superhot. When they say "ive eaten habaneros before, i like hot stuff" i cant help but smile. Better yet, when someone is bitching about the tiny piece of scorpion they just tried and their girlfriend calls him a sissy and grabs a reaper and starts chewing.. days dont get very much more amusing
Dave2000, I don't think you get it dude. Bonsai plants are cool.
Lordhill, try PI 387838. You can keep it on a window sill.
Luck of the draw. Walking outside to put the chickens in for the night, i glanced at a pepper plant i kept on the back porch in a pot. Loaded up with moss.. quick transplant is all that is. Im hoping it takes and spreads
Can't you just wazz moss up like fungi and use that as innoculant? I'm sure it's a little more complicated than that, but not by far. The selection from a supplier does look enticing though :P