breeding-crossing My First Cross - TSM x Fatalii (Pic)

I'm sure this has been done lots of times before, but I think it's pretty cool.  Last year, the only supers I grew were yellow Fatalii, Trinidad Scorpion Moruga and Bhut Jolokia.  I tried my hand at a few crosses (TSM mother X Yellow Fatalii father) and saved the seeds from a few pods.  I dismissed them as a failed cross, and they languished among a few pots of TSMs.  It took them forever to ripen (they're now in my little greenhouse) and the yellow color finally got my attention.

They're like my yellow Fataliis but with little stingers, and are quite different from my other yellows this year (TSM Yellow - which, Yellow Brain Strain - which are both fatter and shorter).  I look forward to trying one soon!
awesome man! i really want to know their taste and heat level, i would love some seeds if your willing to share i got some to trade also they seem like a awesome combination in flavor and heat!
Nice cross and great looking pods!
Give him a fancy name like Trinidad Morouga Fatal Blend and get rich selling it as the new superhot thing... just joking! LOL ;)
Datil said:
Nice cross and great looking pods!
Give him a fancy name like Trinidad Morouga Fatal Blend and get rich selling it as the new superhot thing... just joking! LOL ;)
Thanks.  I'm already drawing up a business plan . . .  :cheers: "Step one, collect underpants; step two ..? ; step three - profit!"
I tried one today.  It smells like a Fatalii, but there's definitely more heat going on.  I only tried a few small pieces - that was all I could stand. It had a fresh, clean flavor - mostly HOT.  Nothing off or bitter.  Did I say it was hot?  Maybe I should send one to Nigel?
I only have the one plant, so I'll try to save as most of the seeds and see if anyone wants some.
hottoddy said:
Thanks.  I'm already drawing up a business plan . . .  :cheers: "Step one, collect underpants; step two ..? ; step three - profit!"
I tried one today.  It smells like a Fatalii, but there's definitely more heat going on.  I only tried a few small pieces - that was all I could stand. It had a fresh, clean flavor - mostly HOT.  Nothing off or bitter.  Did I say it was hot?  Maybe I should send one to Nigel?
I only have the one plant, so I'll try to save as most of the seeds and see if anyone wants some.
Did it have the citrus-like Fatalii taste? Extremely cool!
Yea I'd send one to Nigel. Hell he reviews all of my hybrids.

Tip: don't pay to ship a whole flat rate box if you're only sending one pod. I have sent single (and double) pods in an empty prescription pill bottle. Just put the pod in the bottle and then in a bubble envelope and send it on its way
very cool looking pods, I bet there will be a fair bit of interest in this one.
actually, i'm a bit surprised that there haven't been more fatalii crosses (unless i'm missing some due to naming and my newness to the hobby) because i've been looking at a lot of fav lists and they seem to rank up there in flavour (i dont know personally but I think I will by next summer).
hoping to see someone do a review!
The look kinda reminds me of that long scorpion. I don't remember the name/where I saw it let me do some google work  The SRTSL. Sara R trinidad scorpion long. Heres where I saw it
The crossed plant is currently in my greenhouse finishing up, and I'm just starting to save seeds as pods become fully ripe.  Many of the pods still have green tips.  I just sent fully ripe pods to Nigel in the hopes he can do a review.  Here's a (not great) picture of the plant I took today.
Nice plant and pods.
Is it just me, or is the pod shape unique?
The pods have "outie stingers" (think like an outie bellybutton) which would be a nice feature to stabilize imho. I would grow a few lines out to make sure the best features stick.
I really like the color. Again, if you can provide a few seeds, i'll be in your debt for when I have something to offer.
I just filmed a review of this pepper for Todd. I have a some things to do, but look for it tomorrow afternoon.
It is a slam-dunk winner as far as I`m concerned. Initially, the flavor is predominantly Fatalii, but then the Moruga comes through quite strongly and the longer you chew it, the more the Moruga flavor predominates. All together, the flavor is really excellent. Probably in the top 10 for flavor of pods I`ve eaten this year. The heat comes on fairly quick like the Fatalii, then lags a bit and then smacks you around the head like a Moruga does. As far as heat goes, I`d say maybe 3 times Fatalii heat, as a rough guess. I would`t class it as a "superhot" but it`s in the higher reaches of the non-supers. 
The after-taste is wonderful. Rich, Fatalii-like, but with Moruga undertones. 
Todd, you gotta clone this plant. Make another 25 of them, because this is a fantastic F1 generation. 