My first "Fatalii Face" of the year!

My first pick, a Fatalii that had a bit of rot at the end. I didn't want to save it for sauce since it's like that, so I made a HUGE mistake and decided to bite the good part off and eat it! Lit me up!  I couldn't believe how much I was sweating and crying!!  Now I'm high as kite!!!!
The pod(BER??) was about the size of my middle finger.

The reaction

yeah i ate a whole one on a burger once, yup that's just how it happened with me too
congrats :dance: :party:
they sure do taste great dont they??
thanks your friend Joe
Yeah, it was pretty hot for me! More sweating than burning! Habs are the hottest I've eaten in months. Maybe one day I'll dare to eat one of the Naga Moriches that are ripening!!!!
Fataliis are really hot and the last chunk of one I ate had my mouth stinging for 10 minutes or so but man, that is a lot of sweat from a fatalii. That must have really hurt.
I chopped up about 1/8th of a Naga and added it to my soup.  It was damn hot, but not too bad.  I plan on doing this until the pepper is gone, then upping the amount every week until I'm in better pepper shape.
