Looks good McGuiver. I'm glad you found the culprit. I would like to dabble in hydro someday. It looks fun. Thanks for the updates and good luck with your system.
Thanks for the reading. I love seeing where some of my own reading tangents go. Reading looks good.miguelovic said:Got off tangent reading this morning, thought you might enjoy these links. I think queequeg was on to something interesting, though there was clearly some residue from the corn.
Pot heads
A not so forgetful group of people
Rinsing hydrocorn is a pain, some let it soak overnight. Watch out buying old hydro gear, many people give up in the face of pythium/root issues, having something around like Physan20 or equivalent might be prudent.
McGuiver said:I know I need to be careful with old gear. I will clean, scrub, and sterilize it with MIOX. MIOX cuts thru sludge and kills more than bleach alone. I may use this as a watering table because of the cut corners. Either way it will go to good use. To cheap to pass up.
From the white papers there are oxidants including peroxide. Remember bleach has a shelf life. When you use it it may only be at 80% of its original stength. With the MIOX mixed locally, it is fresh at a known stength. I know there are high tech tools to measure this stuff.queequeg152 said:yea i recall the papers you linked, i just dont recall them outright stating that it was more effective than bleach/ calcium hypo.
i do recall them claiming that it was far more convenient, and possibly cheaper, but not 'better'.
it very well might be more efficient at disinfecting, ion for ion, given what you said about bleach and adjuncts etc, but imo, not substantially so.
IDK tho, the chemistry of hypochlorites is not a trivial matter.
my boss has many expensive books in my office reference collection that extensivly cover chlorine disinfection, maby ill yank a few out and photo copy some sheets.( is that illegal?)
my gut feeling(based on what i do know about chlorine) is that the MIOX pen is novel, and very cool, but not substantially better than a bleach solution and or other sources of chlorine disinfection. but again IDK, ill have to read.
furthermore, its size seems to me to be a substantial disadvantage, i doubt it could treat 10s or 100's of gallons of water practically, however there are very cheap cells designed for small spas that could fit this bill, albeit with significant modifications.
fwiw all chlorine disinfectants can and do kill virtually all pathogens, bugs etc. and hospitals as far as i know, tend to use steam autoclaves to disinfect the tools and instruments they use such as clamps scalpels etc. i could see them using chlorine for larger surfaces like tables and tile floors etc, with grouted surfaces.btw, where did you get that black container you are using for a flood tray? ive been meaning to ask.
i have tons of these lovely tall columnar cactus ive been propagating from home depot, i want to plant cluster them in containers that i can bury more or less, flush into gravel/rock beds.
those seem ideal for a drip to waste tray... i could just incline one side to effect good drainage.