Here are some updated pics of the plants. I have repotted quite a few and also changed to a different fertilizer, which has helped out alot.
First up are my Tobascos, which are putting on pods like crazy. My girlfriend was outside drinking, and decided to try one of these. This resulted in here calling me at work and threatening to kill all my peppers because tobasco peppers aren't hot, or so she thought.
These are a few I happened across on the clearance rack (aka the death rack) at Lowes. There is Black Pearl, Bolivian Rainbow, what I believe is a Chilly Chili, and an unknown ornamental that has a bite but tastes terrible. I can't complain considering there were 2 plants in every pot except there being 3 in the one I believe to be Chilly Chlil and I spent $6.
And these are my seedling I have growing, that will be picked through before winter to save for overwintering. They include 7 pot, red dominica, scotch bonnet, trini perfume, choc habs, reg habs, cayenne, anaheim, and billy biker hybrids.