My first pepper plants

From looking at my jalapenos this morning, the one that doesn't look good actually has quite a bit of new leaf growth on it, so maybe it is just laging behind. And I got to looking at my pics of my others in 5 gal pots, and the amount of new growth appearing on the current stalk is amazing. They are producing new growth on the staclks and on top as opposed to just on top in the smaller containers.
Here is an update since it has been 2 weeks. The rain seemed to help my plants alot, but the week of 100 + heat didn't, and it appears we are going back to the heat again.

Tobasco plants

And next is my Bhut's. These have done alot of growing over the past 2 weeks.

This one was repotted over the past weekend, while the others are in 5 gal buckets.

Here are 2 of my 3 Texas Chiltepins. The third is not worthy of pics seeing as though ants decided its pot was a good home.

These are my Red Savina Habs. I had a slight mishap with the one in the 5 gal bucket, and it is now growing profusely from the bottom, but nothing from the top of the main stalk. And the grow bags are 3 gal bags.

Here are the Yellow Scotch Bonnets I have growing.

And these are the Jalapeno M's. The sad part is due to the heat they bloom and drop flowers. The second pic is the plant I fought with and it has finally decided to let me win.

Here is a group shot of my "regular" Habs, of which 2 plants produce a deep orange pod, and the other 2 produce a light, very thin walled orange/peach colored pod. And the too are flowering but just dropping the flowers due to heat.

And my last use of space is my plants I started on June 6, which include 7 pot, scotch bonnet, choc hab(the really yellow plants in the pic), trini perfume, some regular habs, and red dominica.

And here is a group shot of everything I have that has been set out to soak in the sun.

Excellent plants. The jalapeno M's are defininetly worth the trouble. I'm pretty sure that's what my dark, fat jals are.
Thanks for the comment. I just dont like the fact that I.m gonna have to wait till the weather cools down to get peppers, but that is life.
Here are some updated pics of the plants. I have repotted quite a few and also changed to a different fertilizer, which has helped out alot.

First up are my Tobascos, which are putting on pods like crazy. My girlfriend was outside drinking, and decided to try one of these. This resulted in here calling me at work and threatening to kill all my peppers because tobasco peppers aren't hot, or so she thought. :mouthonfire:

These are a few I happened across on the clearance rack (aka the death rack) at Lowes. There is Black Pearl, Bolivian Rainbow, what I believe is a Chilly Chili, and an unknown ornamental that has a bite but tastes terrible. I can't complain considering there were 2 plants in every pot except there being 3 in the one I believe to be Chilly Chlil and I spent $6.

And these are my seedling I have growing, that will be picked through before winter to save for overwintering. They include 7 pot, red dominica, scotch bonnet, trini perfume, choc habs, reg habs, cayenne, anaheim, and billy biker hybrids.

My habs that were dropping flowers left and right, but since being repotted and a fertilizer change, they are setting a few pods.

And my red Savina Hab. The first pic is one that was damaged when pulling buds, and it decided to grow 4 large brances off the bain part of the plant with no new growth out the top of the original stalk.

A pic of my Texas Chiltepin the neighbors cat almost destroyed, that has triples in size in a week.

Yellow Scotch Bonnet

And a group shot of my plants I'm working on gradually potting up. They include 2 Chiltepins, 2 Red Sainas, and 2 yellow Scotch Bonnets.

And a group shot of the sun spot. I will give them a little more room since I have gotten rid of all the ants that seem to love my yard.

Thanks for the comment. I don't know if it was the change to a different fert or if it was just time to grow, but they have excelled in the past week. The fert I am using has NPK plus mag and calcium, so I'm not having to do alot of different things to keep them going. Plus the fert recommends being used every watering, but I'm not doing that on all my plants, just on a jalapeno and a hab to see if there is any difference. And I seem to have aquired an apid problem in the last 24 hrs, but I jumped on that this morning before it gets out of control during the day.
Great thread, I have all my pepper plants in free food grade 5 gal. buckets.the jals. are doing best, some s turns, but producing fruits. tha banannas are nice and bushy, this is the first time with mole' peppers, they are tall slender plants with 7-8 inch long friuts. I guess thier doin "ok".I have noticed they all started to grow better since the weather has turned warm, finally. You have a good start.
I get the buckets for free, but I don't think I will use them again. I say this because if I want to repot them to a large pot, I'm kind of screwed. I have had really good luck with the grow bags so far, and they are black. I checked the temp of the dirt and at the hottest point when the sun is hitting them it was 90f, and it was 101 outside. So I think I will go that route until I get in the 7 - 10 gal area if I decide to go that far in size.
Update 9/28/2009

Thought I would share a few updated pics of how things are doing.

My first attempt at hydroponics, with a 7 pod plant.


And a few shots of my Bhut Jolokia plants that are loaded with pods.


