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chinense My First Pod Review - Me vs. The Red Habanero

Habaneros are boring to some i know, but i currently have access to what i grow. so here's my first try at it.

feedback either way is appreciated.


GnomeGrown said:
Nice first review, George
cheers fella

Was worried i was gonna screw up half way through, considering how much i'd had to drink the night before.
as a reference, see if you can count how many times i say 'eerrrrm' even before i eved ate the pod and then after ;) haha
georgej said:
cheers fella

Was worried i was gonna screw up half way through, considering how much i'd had to drink the night before.
as a reference, see if you can count how many times i say 'eerrrrm' even before i eved ate the pod and then after ;) haha
Lol! I don't blame ya for being nervous and you did a great job! Looking forward to because you owned that bad boy!

Ps.. I i just have to add this little tidbit.. It was nice to see who you were because i had this mental image that you were an old man. Roflmao! I really don't know why but i was shocked when i saw you were younger. Maybe i should start checking profiles. Btw i ment no offense to the older gents on here! Lol
smileyguy697 said:
Lol! I don't blame ya for being nervous and you did a great job! Looking forward to because you owned that bad boy!

Ps.. I i just have to add this little tidbit.. It was nice to see who you were because i had this mental image that you were an old man. Roflmao! I really don't know why but i was shocked when i saw you were younger. Maybe i should start checking profiles. Btw i ment no offense to the older gents on here! Lol
wasn't so much nervous as that my brain was at half capacity after a few beers to end a hard week at work. 
Although saying that, i'm one of these people that hates cameras.. but i'm slightly more comfortable when theres no one holding the camera.

haha! yeah, only 26. hardly an old salt. hope im still eating chillies for many years to come though!
georgej said:
wasn't so much nervous as that my brain was at half capacity after a few beers to end a hard week at work. 
Although saying that, i'm one of these people that hates cameras.. but i'm slightly more comfortable when theres no one holding the camera.

haha! yeah, only 26. hardly an old salt. hope im still eating chillies for many years to come though!
Pttf.. keep hanging around here and you'll never run out.
Dudes!!! Watching all these guys come up from chomping on bud nuking SOBs. Just makes me want to jump the gun and do a video too. I'm just camera shy and might sound like a douche, but I'd still do it anyway :D. I just need to drink a 6 pack of beer really quick and I should braven my soul to do it :drunk: .

, Walter
Really nice job, George. Well done!!! I really like red habs, they have such a great flavor.
Have you had the chocolate ones? Even better in my opinion.
GnomeGrown said:
So when are you doing the orange Hab review, george?
My orange habanero plants didn't survive over wintering :(so probably won't.
Unless I spot a plant for sale that is.

Not tried the chocolate pods yet. My plants didn't even flower.
Hopefully I get some pods set so I can do a couple more reviews this year
Nigel said:
Really nice job, George. Well done!!! I really like red habs, they have such a great flavor.
Have you had the chocolate ones? Even better in my opinion.
I really like red habs too.
Incredible fruity flavor without being overwhelming in the heat dept.
georgej said:
Hopefully I get some pods set so I can do a couple more reviews this year
Looking forward to more reviews from you
GnomeGrown said:
I really like red habs too.
Incredible fruity flavor without being overwhelming in the heat dept.

Looking forward to more reviews from you
thanks. fingers crossed that i can, enjoyed this! can only really do what i grow because the market for spice here is poor